Glerp Pt.1

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A few days later

Bose Pov

Me, Chapa, Miles, and Ray were all watching the season finale of dog bachelor when the TV cut off right before they announced who would win! Chapa zapped the TV right before Ray started punching it. I saw Chapa look over at the doors, then jump over the back of the couch and run out.

C: What the heck!?

MM: What?


MM: Geez, chill.

C: What did you just say?

MM: Chill.

C: Oh, you little-

M: Ohkay Chapa.

Chapa walked over to me and laid her head on me. I put my arm around her bc I could tell she was angry.

B: What are you guys even doing?

C: Contacting aliens.

M: No, you are not!?!

MM: Calm down. It's not like we're talking to them or anything.

M: Yeah, but it could kill us.

R: Are you saying that there's something in this world that could... kill me?

M: There's something in this world that can kill everyone and everything.

R: Yeah, but not me.

S: I mean, we could talk to an alien.

All the kids: No!

S: Hwhat???

R: Give me that, Mic!

He started screaming into the mic and threatening aliens, then he threw the mic to the ground, and it broke.

M: Dude! Don't threaten aliens! It's not smart!

R: Oh well.

We all went back inside, but Mika, Ray, Schwoz, and Miles were arguing still.

C: Can you guys shut up!?!

R: No.

She tried to punch him, but I stopped her. She was not having it with them tonight.

We all left after around 45 minutes. Chapa didn't really seem like she wanted to go home, but she still did.

Chapa's Pov

C: Dad, I'm home!

Cd: It's 9:30! Where have you been!?!

C: There was a school thing.

Cd: Oh yeah, and what was that!?!

C: A dumb project and pizza night thing.

Cd: You didn't think to text me?

C: How many times are we gonna go over this? I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING PHONE!

Cd: Whatever, go to bed fat ass.

I went to my room and just sat on my bed, trying not to cry. I'm so fed up with everyone. I really just wanna end it sometimes. I just wanna end everything. I was thinking about that, then I fell asleep.

    🌟 The Next Morning 🌟

I woke up to my dad banging on my door, yelling at me because I locked my door. I ignored him and went out my window to get to school. I saw my dad looking at me from the upstairs window, and then he was chasing me, screaming, cussing, and threatening me. I was scared, so I kept running until I bumped into someone... Zane.

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