Busted / Going Backward (i couldnt decide which name to use, so i used both)

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Bose's Pov

I wish Chapa had a phone. I wanna text her and invite her over. I'll see her at school tomorrow anyway. I'm just gonna go to bed.

     🌟The Next Morning🌟

Z: Get up loser. I'm going to school with you today.

B: What? You can't just do that. Don't you have your fancy private school?

Z: Yeah, but I wanna hang out with that cute girl at your sleepover.

B: Chapa? You can't call her cute. She's my girlfriend.

Z: No, not her, Mika.

B: Oh, my ex?

Z: You dated her!?!

B: Yeah, for almost a year. I was 13.

Z: How old are you now?

B: 14.

Z: Okay, well, I'm going with you, so hurry up and get ready.

B: Okay, but we're walking.

Z: That's funny, you have a driver's license, you're driving.

B: Fine.

I got ready, and we left, I grabbed 2 granola bars for the road.

While I was driving, I saw someone walking really slow and shakily on the sidewalk. I drove up slowly to see who it was.

B: Chapa?

I ran out of the car and ran up to her. She looked surprised to see me.

B: Are you okay? What happened?

C: I'm fine.

B: Come on, get in the car.

C: No, Bose, I'm fine.

B: No, come on, get in the car.

C: Fine.

B: What happened?

C: I just umm, I uhhh, I didn't sleep well?

B: Don't lie, Chapa.

C: I'm not.

B: Okay.

When we got to S.W.A.G, we were like 10 minutes late because there was traffic.

R: Well, look who finally decided to show up!

B: Sorry, there was traffic.

R: Who's the blonde one?

B: That's Zane, my stepbrother.

R: Well, why is he here?

Z: Because my dad said it was fine, he wrote me a note.

R: Whatever, you guys are late!

Ray started lecturing us, and I was waiting for Chapa to stand up  for us, but she just kept her head down and didn't say anything. I was shocked when she didn't say anything but was more shocked when Ray stormed out and slammed the door, and she jumped at the door slamming closed.

MM: You good?

M: Yeah, why'd you jump?

C: I didn't.

B: You kinda did.

C: No, I didn't.

Z: Yeah, you did, dumbass.

C: Shut up.

Z: Damn, I was just messing with you, chill.

C: Sorry.

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