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Stan attended his mom's funeral, even though he didn't want to. Not in an asshole way, but because he didn't want to deal with the guilt overruling him. He felt it hit hard when he saw her lifeless body in the open coffin.

It felt weird not going to his mother's every other week now. It felt odd knowing he lived permanently with his dad. Shelly was in college, and definitely didn't want to talk to Stan after what happened. All Stan had was his dad.

He got a few weird stares at school, but a lot of students did try having respect. Some students spread the rumor that his mom killed herself because of Stan's drug use. Others started a rumor that Stan's mom was also an addict and it ran in the family, which is why Stan was the way he was.

Stan hated himself for all of the rumors spread and the disrespect surrounding his mom's name, but he also knew he was to blame. His last words to her were also something that would live rent-free in his mind for the rest of his life.

Of course, being in a small town, word spread, and everybody tried steering clear of Stan because of those rumors.

Kyle and Stan still weren't dating again, but did hang out since Kyle and him were still technically best friends. Plus, Kyle did want to check on Stan.

Of course, Stan wasn't the only one dealing with a big issue right now. Cartman had his own going on, and came home that day to hear some very upsetting news.

"We're engaged!" Liane said, happily, showing the ring that Clyde's dad, Roger, had gotten her.

"What? you can't be serious, right?" Cartman asked, upset. Clyde and Butters seemed to be the only ones happy, as Cartman groaned, going up to his room.

Liane sighed. "He'll feel better about it later, he always gets little tantrums like this." She said, assuringly. "It's better to just leave him alone."


Everybody had their own thing currently going on in the friend group.

Kenny was doing quick jobs around town like mowing grass and more to make some extra money while also dealing with his parents arguments and random leavings, since he wanted to be able to afford to take care of him and his sister when they weren't around or didn't have much.

Kyle was trying his best to have a good influence at school, make his grades soar the charts while also engaging in multiple clubs and charity events. A lot of the clubs he was in required him to show up early to hang posters and flyers for upcoming events along with having to attend meetings, and while doing that, Kyle was also studying non-stop. He also had basketball to worry about as well.

Stan was currently mourning the loss of his mother still, while also starting to attend his therapy weekly. He had a lot of mental struggles right now, and was practically falling apart. He wasn't on any teams anymore and had never joined any clubs, so he didn't have anything to do when he was out of school.

Cartman was at the age where his weight actually meant something, an age where insecurities start developing. He was probably giving himself an eating disorder, he rarely ate now and mainly just stuck to liquids. He was upset about his mom's engagement. He also felt lonely and insecure, and started questioning himself and his sexuality, but of course wouldn't let anybody know.

Everybody struggled in their own way, but everybody was also good at hiding it.

Stan felt separated from Kyle. Even though they were supposed to remain friends, that was far from happening in Stan's eyes. Kyle was trying to become popular, and it was working. He was becoming the kind of popular kid whose name everybody knows at school and who is at almost every school event ever, and Stan hated it. Sure, he was proud for Kyle. But he worried about why he was trying to hard to be a perfectionist.

As much as Stan hated to admit this, Cartman was honestly the only friend Stan really hung with at this point.

Struggling people sense other struggling people and try helping them out, only to struggle together.

They both had issues, and that's what they liked about each other. Cartman wasn't such an asshole, he just said things how they are without a fear. Stan used to think it was asshole behavior, which it still is, but he saw why. Why act like the world is good?

Of course, that made things awkward since Kyle hates Cartman. But Stan didn't really know what to do at this point. Kyle wasn't ignoring him at all; he was just making a life for himself.

Stan felt as if he shouldn't butt in to anything. Kyle didn't think he was ignoring Stan either, to his defense, he just didn't want to associate himself with somebody like Stan. He still checked up on Stan and talked to him, but there was always some sort of tension.

Lunch time was the worst. He wanted to sit by Kyle, but Kyle was busy sitting with all the "popular" smart kids, and he didn't wanna embarrass him. Instead, he just went to sit with Cartman and Kenny for lunch.

Cartman and Kenny weren't exactly popular either. Everybody knew who they were, but mainly since Cartman is an asshole and because Kenny's family is one of the poorest in town. Although Cartman was starting to gain some popularity points due to being Clyde's soon-to-be step-brother.

"It's not fucking fair." Cartman groans at lunch. "They haven't even been together for a whole year yet. I know they've dated for a while, but come on! At least give it a year! It's like she doesn't care about my feelings."

"She probably does, Cartman." Kenny said, reassuringly, as Cartman laughed. "Yeah, right. if she gave a fuck, she would start asking shit like where I leave to when I'm mad, or check on me when I'm in my room. But no, she gets Clyde or Butters to do it while she's kissing her new man."

"Have you eaten today, Cartman?" Stan asked, worried. He started noticing Cartman losing weight, Cartman was still really big, but not as big as before. He also looked really tired and Stan started noticing Cartman hasn't exactly ate that much lunch recently.

Cartman glared at Stan, a death stare to be exact. "Sorry for asking." Stan said, knowing he fucked up. But why should he apologize for being worried?

"I literally haven't even ate dinner the past couple days and she hasn't questioned it at all, it's fucking annoying. She acts like I overreact to everything."

"What do Clyde and Butters think about them being engaged?" Stan asked as Cartman huffed at the thought. "Clyde likes my mom so he couldn't care less. Butters is happy but that's only because his parents hate him so he's happy with anything living with me."

Stan nods. "I get it. My dad's making me go to therapy because he thinks it'll magically heal me, but it just makes me worse. He doesn't give a fuck about raising me and only cares about making weed sales." Stan says.

Stan couldn't help but peek around while Cartman and Kenny talked to look at Kyle. Kyle seemed happy, not a bother in the world. Of course, Stan was happy for him. But a part of him hated how happy he seemed without him.

The bell rang, as everybody headed to their lockers and classes. Stan walked over behind Kyle, who was at his locker, and smiled.

"Hey, Kyle." Stan said, smiling as Kyle looked at him, nodding. "Oh, hey Stan. Do you need something?"

Stan frowned. "Uh, no. I just wanted to say hi." Stan said, upset. Why did Kyle assume that he needed something.

"Oh. Well I gotta get to class, see ya." Kyle said, closing his locker and walking past Stan.

"Wait!" Stan said, as Kyle turned, confused. "Stan, what do you want? I can't be late, I need to head to class."

Stan felt hurt. "Why don't you hang out with me anymore? You're like, embarrassed of me or something."

Kyle sighed. "I'm not, Stan. I'm really busy. And you're currently gonna make me late."

"I miss when you were a good friend." Stan said. "You changed. You're so two-faced now and it sucks."

"I'm two-faced?" Kyle said, starting to get upset. "You're the one who's acting weird now! You became a completely different person that I can't even recognize or stand hanging out with anymore! You are so fucking boring, and your so-called friends, Kenny and Cartman, probably are sick of you too!"

"Well, they're both better friends than you. Even Cartman. Maybe he was right about you." Stan mutters as Kyle glares. "Alright, Stan. Enjoy your friends then." Kyle says, turning and walking away down the hall.

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