clean apartment

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Poob was at the train station, waiting for the elevator. They'd been waiting for what seems like hours, but really it was probably like 20 minutes. The train passed by, making a loud noise. They covered their ears until the train was farther away.

Poob is usually energetic, hyper and happy, but they couldn't help themselves but frown. It was boring at the station, and the elevator didn't seem to be coming yet.

They walked around, but there wasn't really much to see. The vending machine wasn't quite working, and who knows how old the stuff in there is. The bench is pretty unstable and old, yet the jukebox played the music just fine. Though it mostly worked when the elevator came.

Besides the train sometimes passing by, it's pretty quiet at the station. And pretty dirty.

Suddenly the jukebox turned on. Poob stood in his usual place and smiled. 


The elevator opened. Poob walked in happily. Players passed them by and ran to the station, one getting hit by the train. A player sprayed Poob with water. They frowned. Then they turned and saw - Pest was here! Poob waved.

"Hai Pest!!1"



Pest just shrugged.

"Hm.. okiz."

Poob turned away from Pest. They were used to Pest acting like this, since he was always like this. With everyone, too, so it's fine.

Many floors went by. Then after a 'ding!' the doors opened and Poob's apartment was there. They didn't go in but they were happy to see their home. But when the players went in they started.. exploding everything.

Poob just sighed. They'll have to clean everything up again, since this isn't the first time this had happened. Poob sat there watching, with their smile gone now.

Pest mumbled something.

"Huh??" Poob turned to Pest again.


"I thought u said sumethin??/"


"U sureeee?/??"


"Hmpfh, fine"

Poob turned around, but then heard Pest mumble something, again.

"Hey I heard you thiz time!!1!11" Poob quickly faced Pest again.

"..." Pest gave Poob a slitghly annoyed stare.

"Come on!!1"


This time Poob didn't turn back around. They decided they'll keep facing Pest. Pest rolled his eyes at them.

After some time Poob got bored again. The players went in and out, throwing petals, tomatos, snow balls and spraying them with water. Pest seemed to be bored too. Poob was still facing Pest but not looking at him. Although, here and there they'd catch Pest looking at them.



"Why do u keep lookin at mee??!1/"

"." The question seemes to catch Pest off guard, he looked away and said nothing.

"Whay thou??"


"Thats not an answer.."


After a few floors Poob left. It was a big rainbow slide. They slid down smiling and hit the target. As they fell into the void they closed his eyes, and opened them, at his apartment now. They really didn't feel like cleaning, so they brushed away some of the stuff from his bed and went to take a nap.

They were woken up to some rustling coming from the other room.

"Hellou??/" they exclaimed.

After they said that something rustled more, then the elevator made a 'ding!' and closed. Poob ran out to see their apartment... cleaned up?

After a bit, the elevator came and Poob stepped in. It didn't have players, it was just gonna take them to the train station. They weren't sure how or why the elevator worked like that, but they didn't question it much.

As he waited, he kept thinking who could've cleaned their apartment, and why?? With a 'ding!' the doors opened and Poob went into the train station.

Surprisingly, Pest was there too. Poob ran up to him.

"Pest haii Pest"


"Pest u won't believe thiz, I went to sleep in my blown up apartment, then I hurd sumone, I got up and my wholeeee apartment waz cleaned up!!!

Pest looked away for a second with a smirk on his face.

"Why r u smiling liek that??"

Pest said nothing.


As they waited both of them got bored. Poob started info-dumping about something. While Pest didn't seem to care, he seemed pretty annoyed too, he was still listening to every word Poob said.

Authors note: I've been hyperfixiating on regretevator recently and wanted to write a silly little party beetle fic. yea :3 

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