strawberry shortcake

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Poob sat in their apartament, thinking about Pest. They think about him from time to time, but Pest kept coming into their thoughts alot eversince they left the elevator. He seemed... sick?

Poob decided to think happier thoughts. Pest didn't say no to helping Poob bake, which is good. Poob wanted to become more closer with Pest, but it hasn't been working out since Pest doesn't like loud and annoying people.




Poob wanted to practice baking. They flipped through their recipe book until they found something good-looking.

Strawberry shortcake!

Poob immedeately rushed to their kitchen to prep some ingredients. The cake looked really yummy, plus Poob wanted strawberries. They pulled out their last container of the berries, since they bought a few and ate a bunch. Everything else they had - they decided to always have baking ingredients for situations of "impulsive baking".

They tried to follow the recipe as well as possible, thought they may have overdosed on how many strawberries they'll add on the cake. Poob also decided to make two small round cakes, one for themselves and one, of course, for Pest to eat. If it tastes good, anyways.

As Poob plopped the cakes in the oven, they sat down on their floor and waited. They thought about the NPCs in the elevator. Of course, we know who came to mind the most. As they dozed off, a timer went off signaling to take the cakes out.

When they opened the oven, warm air blew at them. They took the pan with the cakes out. They were a golden brown colour, a little burnt or wonky in some places, but pretty good, really.

Once they finished adding the cream and sliced strawberries, they made sure to make it extra perfect for Pest. They had a little box to put the cake in, and put lots of stickers and doodles and glitter on it, because of course they did. Since the cake needed to cool off, they put both of them in their fridge.

I hope they turned out good...

The cakes needed time to cool off. In the mean time, Poob wanted to go to the elevator again.





The elevator had Pest and Pilby in it.


"'re so loud."

"Pest hey can u meet me at teh statiun later tonite???,"

"わかりました." Pest growled.

"Ples okey? I wuna give u sumtin.."


Poob blew their party horn.

They had a couple short interactions with Pilby, and Pest said some things in another language that Poob can't understand.




"I haev to go, ill meet u at the station oki?"

Then Poob left the elevator as Pest mumbled something again.

In their apartment, Poob checked on the cakes. They took out their cake and cut out a slice, then tasted it.

It tastes...

So good!!!!!

Poob got even more excited to give the cake to Pest. It actually tastes good! They took Pest's cake out and placed it on their counter and got ready to leave, as it was becoming night time, and the time to leave came closer and closer.




Poob was holding the box and walking to the train station. They were looking all around to see if Pest was here yet. Then their eyes locked on the beetle standing there. They looked at one another for a few seconds, before Poob started hurrying over to Pest.

"Pest!! U akshully ar-"

Poob tripped on something and fell. The box with the cake fell with, but Poob tried saving it by extending their arms forward. But the box hit the ground nonetheless and Poob hit their face on the hard floor. The box got a bit crumpled and the cake lost its balance and the layers fell apart.

As Poob sat up, their nose was bleeding. They looked up and saw Pest had waked over to them. Poob stared at the box and the cake that had fallen apart.

Sniff.. sniff..

Poob eyes got watery. They sniffled and rubbed their eyes, ignoring the bloody nose and bruised cheeks.

Pest looked down at Poob as he stood near them. He didn't have the 'I don't care' face anymore. He looked just a little worried. Or maybe not.

"Im.. s-sorry..."


"Im r-really sorry.. i dident m-mean to fall... i.."

A few tears fell down Poob's cheeks. They rubbed their eyes and face again, wanting the tears to stop.

I'm such a cry baby...

"It's just a box Poob."

"I m-made a cake for u.. its.. hick.. r-ruind now..."


Poob opened the box to show a ruined cake. It was a little smushed, the layers weren't atop each other anymore, and the cream was smudged on the sides of the box, and so were the strawberries.

"Im sorry.. hick.. thet u had to come here.."

"Poob, you are bleeding. Go home."

Poob touched their nose. The blood was all over their face and sweater.

"Ok.. sorry.."


Poob left the box on the ground, got up and left as fast as possible.




Pest took the box home.

He managed to get a little slice of the mess of a cake. Again, he wondered if he should even eat it.

He put a bit of the cake into his mouth.


Actually good.

He ate a bit more of the cake. It tastes like a proper strawberry shortcake.

Now he feels just a little worried for Poob. They got hurt and are probably crying at home.

I'm not just gonna go check on them. That's weird. I don't know how to comfort people.


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