why do you lie

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Poob sat up in their bed. They vaguely remember what happened yesterday. They... tripped. And the cake and... yeah.

They slowly made their way to the bathroom. The sweater was still in the sink, but...

Poob's face was cleaned up?

They checked the places where they had other bruises.

They were also cleaned up.


Did Pest... do this?




Poob was waiting for the elevator. They were hoping, that maybe luck will finally be on their side, and Pest will be in the elevator.


Poob walked in and immedeatly noticed the beetle.


"...You seem better."

"I knoe!!! But em... u knoe when Ig ot home i fell asleep befor i cleand up... but when i woek up i wus cleand up n in bed!!1"




"Did u do thet?"

"Do what."

"Well.. treet mai bruises n noes!!!"

"I did not."

"Whuwh? But u were the onlee one who knu thet i.. emm.. well had bruises n stuf!! It cudint hav been anyun els!!!"

"Well, it was not me."



"I knoe u lie a lot, Pest... are u lying to me right noe?"


"But Pest, it cudint hav been anyun els!!!"

"Well it wasn't me."


"Oh my god, shut up."


"I said shut up." Pest groweld in a louder tone.

Pest tells me to shut up, this isn't the first time.

But he raised his voice...

And he's lying to me.

Why can't he just say he helped me?

Poob nodded. They whispered out an 'okay'. They kept smiling, but Pest knew what smile that was.

And that smile made Pest feel weird.

It made him feel





For the rest of the time in the elevator, Poob was fairly quiet. They didn't blow their horn. They just stood there.

They didn't talk with Pest.

Until they spoke,



"Why do u lie?"


"Dun you sumtimes... wuna say the truth?"


It was Poob's floor.

Poob was about to say something.

I hope they don't say something like thank you. That would be so an

"I'm sorry, Pest."

Then, the elevator doors closed and Pest was all alone in the elevator.

Authors note: sorry,, really short chapter!! i know some of u have been just starving for a chapter, so for now have a short chapter (i will write a longer one). its almost 3 am and i felt sad so you get a sad chapter

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