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tw; vomit

Pest woke up hungry. He hadn't eaten in a couple days. He forgets. It's no problem though.

He didn't have many ingredients to make anything.

He ate cereal, for whatever reason he had some. He doesn't eat cereal often.

He sat on his bed slowly eating. He stared at the box Poob made him. The ribbon was the color of his eyes, he just realised. Weird.

Pest almost threw up.

But he didn't.




He sat at the train station. Poob wasn't there. The elevator opened with a 'ding!'. Poob was there now.

"Hai hai haiiiiii Pest!!!!!!"


"Stop!!! Sayin long wurds in thet language!!1!"


"Are u ok??? U look rly tired???"


"Liek ur very... i duno. Liek u dun have energy or havint eaten or sumtin..."

"..." Pest mumbled something.

"Hwuh?? Are u okey??"

"I'm fine." Pest growled at them.


"I said I'm FINE." Pest said in an angrier tone.

Poob frowned and looked away.


Poob thought that Pest was just probably really tired, more tired than usual.

Pest wanted to leave the elevator because he still wanted to vomit.

He felt annoyed by everyone more than usual.

"By teh way,, did u liek my cookiez???"

"...not really. 小麦粉が多すぎる."

"Auwh... I tried souuu hard to maek them...."


"Ure good at baking!!! U shud come over sumtime to help me bake!!!!"


"Is thet a yes????/"

Pest shrugged.

"Well oki, it's not a nou!!! Think about it!!!"

The elevator doors opened with a 'ding!', and Poob left the elevator.

"Baiiiii Pest!!! Get sum rest okei?!?!"


Poob blew their party horn as they left.

Pest stood there.

Should I go to their place? They're so annoying, though.




Later, Pest got off the elevator.


The moment he was home he went to the bahtroom.

Blegh. I don't want to throw... up...

This time he did.

He sat on his bathroom tiles. He managed to hold his long hair back and it didn't get in the vomit. He tied it up just in case.

Why did I even have to throw up. I feel disgusting.

Authors note: sorry this is a bit short!! ill work on a longer chapter after this :3 im glad ppl are reading this (pls comment i love when readers comment >_< ) anyways thx for reading :D

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