i understand now

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Pest stood all alone in the elevator, with nothing but the feeling of guilt.

I really messed up this time.

He was still and quiet. There was a lot to think about. Should he apoligize? Leave Poob alone? Make them something? Write a letter? Talk face to face?

He didn't know.

He just didn't know what happens now.

Nothing will happen unless I do something.




Pest finally got off the elevator. He was sitting on his bed, still thinking.





What would Poob do?...

What would Poob do?


Bake something.

They would bake something.

Pest hurried to his kitchen. He didn't want to waste any time. He needed to bake something for Poob, yes. He picked the first thing that came to mind - lemon pie. But it needs to freeze overnight... Maybe that's good. Pest will have time to think about what to say to Poob, then.

Pest had never made a pie so fast before.

Neither has he felt this guilty before. He kept thinking:

I'm genuinely so pathetic.

Once the cake was in the fridge, Pest kept thinking.

He thought of how...

Horrible he can be.

What is actually fucking wrong with me? Why do I treat Poob like this, even when they treat me so well? When they gift me things, always ask me how I'm doing, and just... actually try for me.

Why does Poob still try for such a horrible excuse of a being?

Pest let out a shaky sigh. He went to lay down on his bed and hopefully fall asleep.

He wanted for his head to shut up for a bit.

Pest closed his eyes and curled up against the wall.

He took a few breaths and tried to sleep.




Poob sat in their apartament.

Why do I always say sorry? Why can't Pest apoligize?

Am I not worth an apology?

So, so many thoughts flew into their brain.

Sad thoughts.

Bad thoughts.

This isn't like me. I'm always happy. I'm supposed to always be cheery.

Poob smiled to themselves as they stood in front of a mirror.

That's not your normal smile.

Smile properly.

Poob inhaled and exhaled slowly, and tried to smile once again. But it still didn't look right.

Their smile hasn't been right recently.

But has anyone even noticed?

Poob sighed and sat down on the floor. They rested their head and body against the wall, no smile on their face anymore.

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