im sorry i love you

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A few days passed and neither Pest nor Poob spoke or saw each other.

Neither entered the elevator, neither met up, nothing happened.

It was quiet.

A silence both of them wanted to break.

Pest was feeling a strange feeling of worry towards Poob.

Poob was missing Pest a whole lot now, the feeling of his touch still on their skin.

Pest wasn't a big fan of physical touch, but they made an exception.

Just for Poob.




While Poob spent most of their time laying in bed, Pest couldn't stay still. He felt worried and restless.

Both of their thoughts were consumed by the other, neither of them understanding how much they were thinking of one another.

Pest knew that again, he needed to do something if he wanted this to change.

As much as he hated Poob,

He couldn't be without them this long.

Maybe I shouldn't have baked a pie.

Stupid fuck.

I want to talk to them, but what if it causes an argument again?

Pest kept thinking, thinking for too long. He just needed to do something already.

Do something.






Poob had no energy to do anything. They either laid in bed all day, or walked around their apartment until their feet felt sore.

They missed Pest.

They felt guilty.

They felt sad.

A lot of emotions and thoughts were spinning around in their head.

They just wanted for everything to go back to how it was, even if it meant for Pest to hate them.

Why did this have to happen?

I never should've tried to be friends with Pest.

I always knew it wouldn't work out, that nothing between us could work at all.

So why did I try.


So they just waited, lost in their thoughts.

Waited for something to happen, for something to change.

Maybe Pest will come again.

If not, they'll just rot away in their apartament.




Pest sat at the empty piece of paper with a pen in hand.

He wanted to phrase it all right, pick the right words.

So he sat there and waited for the right sentences to pop in his head.

And after a while of thinking, Pest decided to write.

"Hello Poob.

I wanted to apologise again. I didn't do it right last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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