red ribbon

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Poob and Pest could hear a train coming, but it stopped this time. It was Poob's train.

"Oh, thatz mai train!! I gota go now, bye bye Pest!!1" Poob waved to Pest and smiled as they ran to the train.




Pest sat on the bench as Poob's train left. He could see Poob sitting down and still waving at him.

God, they're so annoying. That childish voice, that big smile, those annoying thoughts they say out loud. They should shut up sometimes.

Pest waited not for his train, but for the elevator. It was boring to wait, but at least it was quiet. He used this chance to calm down.

After a little while he heard a 'ding!'. As the players flooded into the train station, Pest slowly walked in the elevator and stood in the right corner, near the buttons. No other NPCs were in the elevator. Of course, he got sprayed with water.


He kept saying "Stop!" but the players didn't care. Eventually, neither did Pest. He was annoyed, yes, but what could he do.

Some NPCs entered the elevator but Pest didn't talk much with them. Split said some dumb jokes, Infected was speaking weird, Dr Retro meowed something. Pest didn't remember what they said, nor did he care.

Time went on and nothing interesting happened.

With a 'ding!', the Spleef floor was shown. Pest swiftly ran in and took the diamond that sat atop a big platform and left. He was quite happy to be gone from the elevator and the players, yet he felt a bit... disappointed.

Disappointed that Poob didn't come to the elevator today.

Get a grip of yourself, you should be happy that they weren't there today to annoy you.

Pest was at the train station now, waiting for a train back home. He sat with only the sounds of flickering lights and a strange, comforting static sound. As a train arrived, guess who got off of it - Poob.

Pest rolled his eyes.

Of course.

"HAII PEST!! I havnt seen u all dae!!1! I wus gone for a wheil!!!1"

Poob ran up to Pest and sat down next to him.

"うーん..." Pest mumbled.

"Ughhh you knoe I dont understend thet!!!"

Pest sighed and crossed his legs. He stayed quiet as he waited for his train.

"Howe was ur day???"

Pest shrugged.

"Mine was boooring... I didnt go on da elevator yet!! Blehh Ive been waitin aaaall dae to get on it!!!"


"Did u do anything kewl todae??/"

Pest shook his head just barely.

"Everyone was annoying. You're being awfully loud, too."

"Ghh I alwaes am!!!!" Poob blew their party horn.

Pest let out an annoyed sigh.

"Ou wait!!!"

Poob started rummaging in their pockets, looking for something. Pest turned his eyes to observe whatever Poob was doing.

Eventually, they took out a little box. It was a little wonky, probably hand-made. You could see tape and stickers patching any holes and imperfections, and it was tied up with a red ribbon.

"Taek it!!!!!" Poob was more excited than usual.

Pest looked at the stupid little box.

"哀れな." Pest grumbled as he took the box. He held it by the ribbon, using the tips of his sharp fingers. He held it as if it was something disgusting.

"Do you liek it do you liek it aghh??!?!?!?!!?" Poob blew their party horn.

Pest mumbled something.



"Ugh I duno wut that means!!!"

Pest turned his head to the train tracks; he could hear the train coming. He knew it was his train. He stood up and, surprisingly, still held the box.

"Baiiiii!!!!!!! Tell me what u think of mai gift!!!!" Poob waved to Pest as they smiled.

Pest grumbled yet again and got on his train. It drove off, leaving Poob alone in the quiet, except the few sounds.




Pest sat on his bed, staring at the box, which sat in front of him.

He was contemplating.

Should I throw it out or open it.

He sat there for a while.

Then he took the box.

He gently took one end of the ribbon.

He pulled it and the ribbon fell onto his bed.

Then he opened the box to see...


Of course.

Pest took one and sniffed it. To be honest, it smelled good. Poob is fairly clumsy, so it wouldn't be any surprise if the cookies didn't taste all that good.

Pest thought again.

Should I eat them? Should I even taste them?

He took a bite.

They taste


God, they're mainly flour. Of course they got the proportions wrong...

Pest threw all the cookies out. He didn't give them any more chances.


he put the box and ribbon on his table.

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