chapter 3

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The atmosphere following the meeting hung heavy as Rhaella, flanked by her two sisters walked away from the grand hall. The worst was seemingly behind them.

"I do hope this settles the Driftmark succession once and for all," Baela says. Rhaella and Rhaena share a look of doubt.

"I fear this is just the beginning sister," Rhaella said. It was all too apparent to her that the Hightowers had already put their pieces in place.

Baela comes to a halt, turning to face her sisters. She held a strong look of conviction.

"Our stepmother will ascend the throne, of this I am certain." She said.

Rhaella paused at Baela's tone. She could have sworn that there was something accusatory in her tone.

Rhaena must've sensed the looming tension as well, grabbing Rhaella's hand, the three continued to walk the long corridors.

"Are you content with ignoring the topic of the marriage proposal?" Rhaena asked.

Yes. Rhaella was more than content to not bring up the matter. What bothered her more was the slight Otto had thrown at her in front of everyone.

Rhaella kept her gaze straight ahead. "The proposal is of no consequence, didn't you hear?" Her voice was flat, and annoyance was growing in her tone. "He was prepared to ship me off to the sept."

Rhaena smirked at the response. " Yet despite the rejection, you and Aemond are quite shameless with each other." She said slyly.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Rhaena." Rhaella's response was immediate.

"Oh please spare us your lies, Rhaella," Baela spoke again. " Everyone in that court saw how he looked at you, it was plain to see."

Rhaella felt very cornered. Of course, she was well aware of Aemond's seemingly prologued stares. Stubborn as ever, Rhaella crosses her arms childishly.

"Let us be done with this, maybe I'll find someone less accusatory to converse with." Turning around, Rhaella walks off in the opposite direction.

"Conversing with Aemond I assume?" She heard Rhaena call out which she promptly ignored.

Rhaella wandered around the long halls of the Red Keep, lost in thought. Everyone around her was being so unreasonable. She and Aemond had been friends, close cousins even. Nothing more on her part. Except maybe a growing attraction.

The concept of love had always been a puzzling thing to her. The earliest memory she could recall was the brief fling she had with one of the dragonkeepers. It was nothing serious, she wanted to know all the ins and outs of dragons and he wanted a kiss. Or two. He was cute enough so it was more than fine by her.

Then there was her previous handmaid, Astris. It was a little more than curiosity on her part. The two would often share many private moments. Astris was known to dabble in dark magic which fascinated Rhaella.

Had Rhaella loved either of them? Not in the slightest. The only love she had in her heart was solely for her sisters.

Up ahead, Rhaella saw her cousin, Helaena walking alongside Aegon.

Rhaella grimaced at the sight of him. She attempted to avoid them but Helaena had already spotted her.

"Cousin!" Helaena called out to her. Rhaella smiled politely as Helaena rushed to her side, grabbing her hand. After Aemond, Helaena was quite close with Rhaella.

"Helaena, I see you are well," Rhaella said. She can see Aegon roll his eyes.

" Aegon." Rhaella greeted.

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