chapter 1

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The sea seemed to swallow up Rhaella's entire world. And in a way, it had.

She watched as her mother's casket descended into the water.


The cries of her two sisters could be heard, they clung to their grandmother in anguish. Rhaella couldn't find it in herself to cry, she couldn't summon the courage to feel anything for that matter.

Rhaella turned her head to see her father, nonchalantly speaking to King Viserys.

  She hated him. Right now at this moment, he was to blame for everything."A miserable thing." She'd think to herself. "For childbirth to be forced on a woman."Our duty.Her duty.

Rhaella almost chuckled at that. She wouldn't allow such a fate to befall her if she could help it.

"My condolences for your mother, cousin."  A voice cut through her thoughts.

Jacaerys comes to her side. His face expresses attempted concern.

Rhaella doesn't acknowledge him. Her eyes are still fixated on where her mother was dropped.Jace retreats to where Baela and Rhaena reside, the two being much more receptive to his comfort.

"The sea will be calm for her." Another voice spoke.  Slowly, Rhaella turns to her right to see Aemond.

The two seemed to have much in common. Being the youngest and dragonless, the two were often subjected to being overlooked.Rhaella found Aemond to be good company. They often spoke of aspirations and dreams outside of their lives once they managed to bind themselves to a dragon.

"Thank you, cousin," Rhaella said softly. She notices that Aemond's hand briefly twitches at his side. Deciding for him, she gently grabs his hand.

They walk to the stairs where Helaena stands by her mother, Alicent.Rhaella never gave the queen much thought. Sometimes, she would listen in on her father's drunken rants about how conniving she was.

Helaena offers a gentle smile. Rhaella looks down to see that Aemond is still holding her hand. Reluctantly, she let go. Rhaella politely greets the queen before taking her leave.

Rhaella makes her way over to her sisters. Their crying has since stopped, being replaced by numbed expressions.

Glancing around, she notices that her father is nowhere to be found.

"Where has father gone off to?" Rhaella asks. She fiddles with the hem of her dress. She was no idiot. Rhaella was sure she already knew the answer.  The Princess Rhaenyra was missing as well.

"Come now, my love." Her grandmother Rhaenys ushered them all inside. The hour had grown late and the children needed to rest.

 The hour had grown late and the children needed to rest

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Rhaella felt herself being tousled awake. She rolls over to see the frantic eyes of her sister Rhaena.

"Rhaena, what has happened?" Rhaella asks. She notices that Baela is awake now too. It was still pitch black outside.

Rhaena pulled her out of bed and out the door towards Jace and Luc's room.

Rhaella allowed herself to be dragged by her sister, Baela following close behind.

" Somebody stole Vhagar!" Rhaena said, furiously shaking Jace awake.

At this, Rhaella tensed. Her mother's dragon. She could recall the stories her mother would tell her about claiming the largest dragon in the world.Once, when she was much younger, her mother flew with her on the back of Vhagar around Pentos.

The very prospect of Vhagar being taken was enough to ignite fury in her.

The children rush to the hall connecting to the dragon pit. They stop when they see a figure emerging from the darkness.Rhaella's eyes squinted before widening. It was Aemond.

"Oh." Baela said. " It's him". Her voice was laced with venom.

"It's me," Aemond said. He spoke with a newfound confidence that didn't escape Rhaella's observation.

She supposed claiming a dragon would do that to a person.

"Vhagar is my mother's dragon!" Rhaena shouted. "She was mine to claim!"

Rhaella had always secretly thought that Vhagar would be better suited for herself however, she would never go against her sister in such a way.

Aemond's eyes briefly met Rhaella's. Whatever mutual understanding they previously had left both of their minds.

"Your mother is dead, you should've claimed her when you had the chance," Aemond said, icily.

At this, Baela launched herself at Aemond, punching him square in the face. Aemond stumbles back for a moment before slapping Baela back. Jace and Rhaena jump in, each of them continuously beating him.

Aemond looks to Rhaella for help. His eyes were searching and desperate. Rhaella felt stuck. It should be a given on who she should help, so why is she hesitating?

The loud crack of a rock connects to Jacaerys's nose as Aemond attempts to fend off the attacks. At this, Rhaella moves swiftly, snatching up Baela who is still angrily swinging her arms.

"Everyone, please stop this!" Rhaella exasperates. Her grip tightens around Baela's waist.

Then there was a slash followed by a scream. Aemond was clutching his eye, or rather the socket, in pain. Luc's hand was dripping with blood as he clutched the small dagger in his hand.

Everyone paused at the sight. Rhaella released her grip on Baela, pushing past Rhaena and Jace. Her hands find Aemond's shoulders as she observes the injury.

Rhaella looks up from him. She was shaking in panic.

"Send for a maester, now!" Rhaella yells out, voice stern, contrasting her passive pleas from before.


"Will he recover?" Alicents voice shakily asked. Aemond sat still in the chair as a maester stitched his eye closed. Rhaella crouched next to him, gripping his hand. She tuned out the chaos surrounding her and the queen's endless outpour of questions.

"Jace?". Rhaenyra's voice cut through the commotion. Rhaella glanced up to see her father walk into the room as well. Daemon leans up against one of the walls. His eyes briefly zero in on Rhaella's hand grasping Aemonds', before flitting up to the emerging uproar.

"Your son has attacked mine!" Alicent shrieks out. Her eyes dart between Luc and Rhaenyra. Rhaella watched Rhaenyra and Alicent go back and forth, spitting out accusations towards one another.  She helps Aemond to his feet. Aemond's hand grips hers tighter in pure anxiety.

"It was my sons who were attacked." Rhaenyra retorts. Rhaella thought it was odd of Rhaenyra to assume but she figured now wasn't the time to bring that up.

Brandishing a knife, Alicent takes a swing at Rhaenyra, slicing her arm. Rhaella watched the blood slowly drip from the wound. Chaos now in motion, and the king tries to get a handle on the situation. Rhaella pulls Aemond back from it all.

"I won't leave your side, Aemond," Rhaella whispered to him. One thing that she was sure about was that Aemond needed her, and she hoped he always would."Never do," Aemond whispers back.

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