chapter 11

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The harrowing screams of the Princess Rhaenyra permeated throughout the Dragonstone halls. She had been laboring on hours end, to no avail. Rhaella's eyes flinched harshly at the sound. The wails easily overpowered the council her father was attempting to hold.

She could not understand it—how a man could ignore his wife's pleas. Each knight and lord sat in their discomfort, however, none spoke to oppose Daemon.

Rhaella glanced at her cousins, both fighting back an outpour of emotions. She thought of her own mother. Oh, how similar the screams were. It was a terror that she hoped to never endure.

The memory caused Rhaella's voice to lift, with no mind for control.

"Perhaps we should wait for the Princess," Rhaella said.

All eyes turned to her, some in shock, others in slight agreement. Daemon stared at his daughter for a moment, eyes piercing as if to say, 'Do not dare'.

But she dared. This simply could not go on. Mayhaps her voice held no weight, but she would be heard. Rhaella's hands slammed down onto the painted table, fire flickering at the action. She had interrupted her father once again.

No further words were uttered by her. Rhaella stomped to Rhaenyra's chambers. Whimpers and curses could be heard.

She stood outside the door, unable to move. "Get out!" Rhaenyra screamed. "Monster! Get out!"

Her mother had said the same. Endless pleas to a child that could not understand the harm it was inflicting onto its mother.

Rhaella's body slid itself onto the side wall. She could not go in. All Rhaella could hear was her mother begging for her suffering to end.

"Mother?" Lucerys called. The smell of blood had wafted to Rhaella's nose. Princess Rhaenyra was forced to fight a women's battle—among men. The thought was infuriating.

"Know that my claim passes to you, Jacaerys," Rhaenyra speaks weakly. The line of succession had been made clear. Rhaella could only think how her sister would manage the position of queen.

Much better than her anyhow.

"Where is Daemon?" Jace asks with an unlike sternness.

"Gone to madness,off to plan his war," Rhaenyra mumbled.

Jace's eyes harden with fury. His jaw clenched tightly, and Rhaella wondered if she had ever seen him like this.

"Leave Daemon with me," Jace said. He marched off with such conviction that Rhaella found herself following him, nearly tripping over herself to match his strides.

"He will not listen," Rhaella said. Jace glanced at her. "He will."

The two cousins venture to the table once more. Rhaella stood further away, doubt evident.

"Let us stop this meeting," Jace demanded.

"Ah, the young prince," Daemon spoke nonchalantly. It did not go unnoticed to Rhaella that she was being ignored—punished.

"You are needed to patrol the skies of Vermax." It was a commanding tone, one that Rhaella was all too familiar with. But Jace refused to waiver.

"Did you hear what I said?" Jace spoke once more. Daemon scoffed but Rhaella could tell that he was somehow impressed by Jacaerys's efforts.

More so than her.

"You've lost the ability to speak for yourself?" Daemon's words were for Rhaella. If not for the constant screams mixed with flashes of her mother that filled her mind, perhaps she could have formulated a response.

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