chapter 8

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The halls of the Red Keep were something Rhaella was beginning to grow accustomed to.

The bustle of lords and handmaids alike filled the castle with traffic. Rhaella waltzed by, easily ignored by others.

Rhaenys had left Rhaella to her own devices, seeking out conversation with the king, possibly for the last time.

"I should let the guards seize you, after what you did to me." A voice snided.

Turning around, Rhaella was faced with Aegon.

How unpleasent.

"I'm shocked you aren't drunk at this hour, cousin," Rhaella said.

It was mid-noon at the time of her arrival. From what she'd heard, Aegon was typically in a drunken stupor come morning.

Aegon laughed at her words, taking the liberty of stepping closer.

Far too close for Rhaella's comfort.

"I assume you're looking for my brother?" Aegon questioned. Rhaella averted her eyes at his gaze. He never failed to make her uncomfortable, even after all this time.

But Rhaella refused to make this known, she took a step forward in earnest.

"I'm looking for your sister, actually," Rhaella said. This did little to alleviate the smug expression that seemed to be burned onto Aegon's face.

"Where might she be?'

Aegon rolled his eyes, accompanied by a groan. Rhaella had already grown tired of his presence.

" Am I my sister's keeper?" Aegon said.

"One would think you'd care to know the doings of your wife," Rhaella said.

Aegon grimaced at the use of the word.

"You may have my brother pussy drunk," Aegon said, a slight slur noticeable.

Perhaps his drunkenness had finally seeped in.

"But I will not have you speak to me anyhow," Aegon said.

Rhaella's lips pursed slightly in annoyance. Disgusted would be the defining word for how she felt towards Aegon, but never fearful.

Fearful of what? His drunkard breath? Perhaps.

"I will speak to you however I please. " Rhaella said. And with that, she walked down the halls.

Aegon could go pass out in a brothel for all she cared.

Arriving at one of the rooms, there sat Helaena's son, Jaehaerys. The young boy was too occupied by his playthings to notice Rhaella's footsteps.

She took a moment to observe Jaehaerys, the boy was only six years of age. Rhaella recalled holding his frail body at the time of his birth. It felt strange to hold a babe. She did not relish the feeling.

"Where is your mother, little one?" Rhaella asked softly. Jaehaerys looked up from his toys briefly before continuing.

"In her room, I think." His little voice spoke. Rhaella thought about brushing the boy's hair with her hand, as her mother used to do to her.

Rhaella decided against it. She made her way to  Helaena's quarters. The door was slightly ajar so she refrained from knocking.

"Cousin?" Rhaella called to Helaena.

Helaena looked up from her patchwork to see her beloved cousin. A warm smile spread onto her face, cheeks rose in color.

"Rhaella!" Helaena ushered her to come sit. Rhaella obliged her cousin, taking the seat next to her.

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