Chapter One

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The descent onto earth was not that bad. Falling from the Kingdom was worse. It made me feel like a fallen angel. I had come with my two brothers, Michael and A'lial; we had a mission. We were to defeat as many demons and convert as many humans as possible.

We finally crashed into earth, and made a huge crater a mile wide. All the demons in the surrounding town would be destroyed from the holy blast that came from the touchdown, and pushed back down to hell, never to return to earth.

Michael stood up first, claiming himself the leader. A'lial stood up next, claiming he was second in command in the hierarchy. That was my two older brothers, not in the same family though, just other angels.

That left me the last in the hierarchy. I would've been last anyway, because my brothers were male and older, the way hierarchy works with heavenly bodies. And I had just graduated ATP, Angel Training Program, while my brothers had already been to earth before.

That was why our Master had wanted a son. Females were always last. They were weaker than males. It was a holy fact. Master Jesus was only strong enough to endure what he did because he had been a male, and he had distanced himself of his own feelings and emotions, for the feelings and emotions of his Father.

We flew to our holy destination, a church. It took us all night to get there. When finally we arrived, the Priest welcomed us with open arms. Michael and A'lial talked with him in the other room, leaving me to be by myself, looking over the house/church.

I wanted to have the comfort of A'lial next to me. We were betrothed from birth, because me and A'lial were both original angels, born from original angel parents. But I knew that he was attending important business.

I didn't like Michael. He was too strict and mean, though I knew why. He was an archangel. But that didn't stop me from keeping secrets from him. Like the fact that I was more excited to be on Earth than I was meant to.

I was proud that I was the one to be picked to go to Earth. It might be a little too carefree to trust earth as much as I do, I thought. Everyone already says how much of an arrogant child I am, misplacing my trust all the time.

The next day, we were getting settled into the church. It was now Monday, so there would be no church until Sunday. I couldn't wait! The priest had explained that a group of three angels rained down from the heavens every Sunday all over the earth. We weren't the only ones! I wanted to meet more angels, angels that had been on earth longer, because Earth was so confusing.

That night my whole body cramped, my head was hurting, and my body felt like one huge weight. The priest finally led me to a soft object, with an even softer smaller object at the head of it. There were coverings on top that he wrapped around me when I laid down on the object. He called it a bed. He said I must've been exhausted. A synonym for tired, he said. We never got tired in the kingdom. Heaven was so much better than earth, I didn't know why more humans wouldn't want to be up there with us.


I woke up screaming. I ran around the room, looking for the demon. Then Michael, A'lial, and the priest ran into the room, Michael holding a sword of flame, the archangel's weapon. He was crouched in a fighting position.

"I saw a demon. He was coming after me!" I cried. My voice still sounded weird to my new human ears. Echoey. We didn't communicate with a voice in Heaven. We were just bodies of light.

"When did you see it?" the priest asked calmly. How can he be so calm when there was a demon in the church? He was on earth for the same reason as us, to defeat demons.

"I was sleeping, and I must've had my eyes cracked open a little bit. I saw it!" I


The priest looked even more calm. "It was probably just a dream." He explained.

"A dream? What is that?" I asked.

"Sometimes we get visions of our destiny in our sleep, or memories of Heaven," he explained. Then he ushered the two boys out, Michael still wary, and I fell asleep.

The next morning, Tuesday, my stomach growled so badly it hurt, and I moaned. What was wrong with me?

I ran into the main room of the church, and cried to the priest. "My stomach is making strange noises and it hurts, what is wrong with me?"

He chuckled. "It is nothing to worry about, dear one. You are just hungry."

He gave me a bowl of cereal with milk and a spoon. I ate it ravenously, then asked for another, and another. It was good and all, but we never get hungry in Heaven, I thought.

Again, earth was so weird.

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