Chapter Eleven

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The door slowly clicked shut behind me, and my body trembled in fearful anticipation. I knew it was going to happen. My instincts just didn't want me to let it happen. I had to fight.

It was eerily silent. The only sound was the pounding of my heart. I felt like a blonde girl in a horror movie, where the audience groans and shakes their head at her stupidity. Now I empathized with her.

I slowly tiptoed around the living room. No boogeyman was crouching behind the couch,or hiding under the coffee table. There was also no monster in the kitchen. My anxiety eased slightly. I might just make it out alive.

I creeped down the hall, still wary. Then i reached my bedroom.

I screamed as a grotesque monster jumped me, pulling me down to the floor. Here it comes, I thought. My violent death that I have been so anxious about. Now that it was finally happening, I wasn't ready.

I screamed and cried, kicked and punched, my fist connecting with the monster's disgustingly slimy green face, and then I couldn't even do that as he pinned my arms above my head.

He growled, and it morphed into an almost human laugh. Oh Goddess, no! He was going to do worse than just kill me. He was going to have fun with me first. He was going to rape me!

But then a very strange thing happened, and somehow, even amidst all the chaos, I relaxed a slight bit, if only in confusion. His voice kept changing, and even his body was changing, until eventually he was completely human. Or at least had a human figure.

"Abbadon?" I asked in shock. Then I shook my head. "No. Stop! You horrible shape-shifter! You can't trick me like that! You killed Abbadon!"And my futile but furious fighting started up again.

He wrestled me back to submission. "Stop, you fucking witch. Yes, you saw my body out there. But it was an illusion." Then he lightened up slightly, and laughed outright, throwing his head back in evil glee. "That trick gets women every time."

I cried and tried to fight him off. "I don't understand. What's going on?"

Although I was fighting with all my might, Abbadon, or the shape-shifter who had taken Abbadon's form, wasn't even winded. That pissed me off.

"I'm a demon of wrath. Fear turns me on." He pressed his lower body against me, and I finally understood when I felt the long, thick, rock hard erection straining his pants. "And you, little whore," he growled huskily in my ear, "have just turned me on. I'm very hard. Your face is so pretty when you're frightened."

My fighting slowly eased, and my breath came out fast. I trembled, but this time it wasn't in fear. My body was vibrating with...lust.

He sensed it, like a hound catching the scent of prey. And then he went in for the kill...except this time, not literally.

He pressed our lips together, so ferociously I knew they would be bruised later.I wrapped my arms around him and pressed close, my fear and dread had turned into exhilaration and adrenaline.

He suddenly jumped off of me and picked me up, but we were quickly horizontal again on the bed. He groaned when our tongues entwined.

I felt too clothed suddenly, so I began taking my shirt off, but Abaddon wasn't patient enough. He grabbed my shirt in one fist and tore it off my body in tatters. I only had seconds to be pissed that he had ruined one of my favorite shirts before he was sucking on the top of my breasts and I forgot all about my frustration.

My mouth fell open and I moaned in pleasure. He was as passionate and scary as Azazel. Azazel! Clariana!

But even that thought quickly blew away on a breeze as Abbadon ripped my pants off, the button flying through the air to knock into the wall.

"Oh, yes!" I exclaimed as he nuzzled lower and lower. Finally his face was to my panties, and he ripped those of too...with his fangs.

Then he began lapping and nipping my opening, and I squirmed as I came closer and closer to climax. But at the last second, when I knew one more tongue flick would send me over the edge, he stopped and ripped my bra off.

I groaned in sexual frustration until I saw his hands reaching for the button on his pants. He popped it open then spread my legs wider apart as his cock sprang free, long, hard, and erect, pointing right at my vagina. Then he covered me, and he didn't hesitate once as he pushed himself deep inside. I gasped. It was so sudden, it took my body a few seconds to recover from the shock. I gasped in surprise and ecstacy.

Apparently, demons were usually abnormally large, because Azazel had also been very large, more thick than other human men I had been with. It made sense.

Then all comprehension was lost as he began to fuck me.

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