Chapter Two

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The next day, Wednesday, the priest took us out into the town. We went to Christian book stores and shops, and I bought a pink and white bible for myself. Michael bought prayer candles, and A'lial bought a cross necklace.

When we got back to the church, I read fifty pages of the bible, and Michael prayed. A'lial was setting up the service room, helping the priest. After a couple of hours, the priest came out to talk to us.

"You all need jobs. Christ related jobs. Not the job the Master gave you. You must

complete those, too, but you also need earthly jobs, so you can get an earthly paycheck, and you won't have to use my money anymore. Michael, I want you to work at the catholic school down the street. A'lial, you will work with me. And you, Clariana," that was me, "you can work..." they all looked at each other.

"Can I work with animals?" I asked. The priest's face brightened. "Of course. There is a horse ranch right down the street. But I warn you, it is not a holy place. It is most opposite. The whole place is Pagan. Wiccan, to be exact."

When he had said quite the opposite, I thought he'd mean literally. Like, in Satanism. But Wiccans were close enough. They didn't worship the Master, and they practiced...MAGIC!!!

"You can kill two birds with one stone there. If you never heard that expression, it means accomplishing two jobs at once. The job that they give you, and the job that the master gave you; to convert people."

So off we went. Michael flew, invisibly, to the school, and I flew, with my more light and feminine wings, to the horse ranch.

I got the job instantly. I was to clean the stalls and horses, since I didn't have any

experience. I was to work Monday through Friday. I would get paid good enough money, too, considering I didn't have any bills to pay.

I came back to the church after working for two hours. Michael, of course, was already home. I had a bowl of cereal, my favorite food so far, the only food I'd ever had.

The priest chuckled. I loved his chuckle, it was good and holy. "You know that's not the only food on earth," he said. "Oh, I know, I just like it." I replied, grinning.

After that, I went to bed. I was exhausted. The next day, I went to work again, and I met a crazy looking co-worker. She had black hair with dyed green streaks, and black lipstick and eyeshadow. She even had really long, fake looking eye lashes.

"Helloo," she drew out the word when she caught me looking. She smiled a really big grin, making me think she was a nut-case. "Hi..." I said warily.

"My name is Gaia! You must be the new worker! What's your name?" she gushed. She said everything in an exclamation, even the question.

"Clariana." I told her.

"Oh wow, that's an unusual name! Is it your Wiccan name, or your birth name?" She asked.

"My Wiccan name? I don't have a Wiccan name. It's an angel name." I said. No one told me not to tell anyone.

"Are you a real angel?" she asked, no shock to her reaction at all.

"Yes," I said.

"Like, the angels in heaven, serving the Christian God? With wings and halos?" she asked. Still no shock.

"Yes," I said again. "And no. We don't have wings, or bodies, or halos. We are heavenly bodies of light. That's what orbs come from. And the reason why humans say we have wings and halos is because when we are in our earthly bodies, we have spiritual wings, not physical. They are the same substance as the orbs. Some humans are able to see them. And we always have blonde hair."

Gaia looked fascinated. "So you are a Christian." She said. It was not a question.

"Yes, how could I not be? I already know God exists." I said, confused.

"You can know something, and not worship it at the same time." She said. "Something can be true, even good, but that doesn't mean it's good for everyone. I know your god is real, but he isn't my God. My God is Cernunnos."

"Who's Cernunnos? I've neither heard of nor met him." I said.

"Cernunnos is a Greek God. I also have a Goddess. Her name is Gaia, like me. That's where my Wiccan name comes from." The crazy looking Wiccan named Gaia said. "Huh, interesting." Now it was my turn to be fascinated. "Well I believe in and

worship God." I said.

"But why?" Gaia asked curiously.

I thought for a minute. No one had asked me why I worshiped God. It was just expected. Something we were made to do. And who else was there to worship? I was an angel. Even if there was someone else to worship, it just didn't make any sense. But why did I, personally, worship God? I didn't want to admit that I didn't have an answer to that.

But she must've already figured out from my silence. She was nodding knowingly. "Exactly. That's why I became a Wiccan. There was just no reason why I, personally, was worshiping God. I didn't even have any proof back then, but here you are. I found Gods who I could talk to and talked back. They are always there for me, making me feel protected. They are more a friend than a ruler, and that's what I need in my life. I don't judge people who do worship God. If they have a reason to, a good reason, then great! But if they don't, they are just misguided. And saying that doesn't mean I am judging them. People should feel comfortable and friendly with their God. Not a God they can't even touch or hear or see. Not a God who is just there."

I sat there, stunned. She made a lot of sense. God was always there, but not as a friend, or a companion. More like a boss. Did that mean I shouldn't worship God? When I got home, I explained all this to the priest.

"You shouldn't let them get to you. They're just trying to lead you away from God." Was all he said. But it still didn't make any sense. I was confused.

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