Chapter Twenty-Two

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Azazel and Clariana entered the tower, and the kitty immediately jumped down from her arms and made herself at home.

"Oh my Goddess!" Gaia exclaimed. "She's so beautiful! Abbadon, look at Clariana's new familiar! Isn't she so cute?"

Abbadon nodded, but muttered "I'm more of a dog person myself." Gaia rolled her eyes, then dropped down to pet the kitty. "What's her name?" She asked.

Clariana thought about it. "Hmm...I...I don't know. Maybe I should ask her." Gaia smiled, "good idea.

Clariana stooped down to the cat's level, and the cat turned to look her in the eyes. They shared a moment of understanding, and Clariana felt once again that this creature was a part of her own soul.

"What is your name?" Clariana asked, except instead of saying it outloud, she thought the words in her head.

"You may call me Nebula," the words from the cat entered into her head. Clariana smiled. "Welcome, Nebula.

"Welcome, Nebula!" everyone cheered. Nebula lifted her head and mewed delightedly, as if to say thank you.

"Clariana, we should do a naming ritual and familiar bonding ritual!" Gaia said. "How do we do that?" Clariana asked. Gaia smiled widely and jumped up and down excitedly. "I can teach you! Yes! But first we need to get the supplies."

"What supplies do we need?" Azazel asked.

"Hmm... I think some candles, I already have the elemental correspondences, and two crystals of Clariana's choosing. Two of the same crystal. We also need to get a collar for Nebula, and some pet food."

Azazel and Abbadon laughed. "We don't have pet food here." Azazel said.

"What?! Then what do you feed the animals?" Gaia exclaimed.

Azazel and Abbadon gave each other a knowing look, then Abbadon said, "They eat the same things we do. They eat raw meat."

Clariana gagged, and Gaia scrunched up her face in disgust. "Eww," she muttered.

"Also...we don't have pet supply stores like in the mortal realm. So we can't buy a collar. But perhaps we can make one." Azazel said.

"Even better!" Gaia said. "Let's go get the supplies!"

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I side glanced Clariana while the group, me, Gaia, Clariana, and Abbadon, strolled through the witchcraft market. I knew something was off. I had felt it since this morning. She seemed more distant, less trusting of me. I sighed. Shit.

Not only was the fact of her mistrust worrying me for the sake of needing her trust to complete the instructions that Lucifer had laid out for me, but it was also for a personal and more selfish reason. I simply just did not want her to feel that way about me. I wanted her to be fully comfortable with me, and also in her own skin. But how?

I sulked. There was nothing I could do. I was a demon, always have been and always will be. There was no ounce of goodness in me. I couldn't be good even if I wanted to.

And this market...yikes. Probably not exactly what Gaia had been hoping for.

"Why do they only have bones and blood and mysterious icky objects, that I probably do not want to know the true identity of?" Gaia whined.

"Umm... probably because we're in hell," I said obviously.

Gaia rolled her eyes. "What about just plain old simple ritual items? Satanic witches don't use candles and crystals?" She asked.

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