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I recommend listening to Who is She? by I Monster

Nine hundred thirteen years ago...

The distant but reverberating sounds of bells made me dizzy with the notion of their meaning. Irene's dimension never made much sense to me, the bells even less so. It's connected to her in ways that the Shadow Realm cannot connect to me.

As the bells fade into the distance, my heart sinks again, and I know it is time for my worst fear to come true.

"Irene. Are you positive this is the best course of action?" I asked while bowing. "The others will-"

Her hand lightly brings me up by my chin. She interrupted me with a kind and patient smile, her voice just as gentle, but her eyes lacked the warmth she tried to convey. "Y/N, this does not mean the permanent goodbye resulted from death. You, just as well as I, understand that I will return in a much more liberated and free mind state. Slumber is what I currently desire."

"But what of the others? It is never too late for them to reincarnate. What will I do with other Divine Warriors who are missing their leader?" I plead for her to stay without those exact words leaving my mouth. "What are they without you?" What am I without you?

"My dear," she begins, placing her hand delicately against my right cheek. I lean into it subconsciously. "The others are gone, lost to time. However, I will not remain in slumber till the end. Hyria already has a staff that is imbued with my life essence."

My shoulders fall at her words. There is no changing her mind now.

Irene's hand falls from my cheek, interlocking with her other hand. The pair falls in front of her, giving her a distinguished, elegant look. The white chiffon of her dress flows with the light breeze that is always flowing past the monolith. Irene turns to partially face the door to the sprawling temple. "She will spend her time on Earth looking for a worthy soul. They will be the ones to activate the reincarnation spell, bringing me to the mortal plane once again."

"You will be gone for too long. No mortal soul is worthy of being the one to bring you back. They're all poisoned individuals." My words make her freeze for only a moment.

"I believe you misjudge them, dear." Honey caramel meets ice blue. She searches my eyes for something I cannot identify myself.

My silence in response makes her frown an imperceptible amount.

"I have a task for you as well," her words echo against the white walls of the cathedral, "When I return to the mortal realm, I want you to guide me on my journey for memory."

"Memory?" My heart flutters with worry at the sound of that request. "You mean to inform me that you will not remember anything when you return? This sounds like a worse idea, my lady." She purses her lips at my words. I expect a scolding or one of the many reasons for this she has already stated.

Instead, she doesn't comment on my concerns, continuing with her explanation as though I never even spoke in the first place. "It is paramount that you guide me to Enki's Library. He has preserved my memories within its walls." Irene looks back to the cathedral for a fleeting moment, her eyes glazing over at the name of her dear friend. "However, I only want you to find me when my power is once again roaming Earth. Do not find me sooner."

"My lady-"

"Do you understand?"

"My lady, if you are back-"

"Do you understand?" Her voice is firm, and her eyes are filled with the same sternness.

I hesitate. "Yes, my lady." Then I bow. As I straighten out, her eyes follow my path back up. They're missing the warmth she had three centuries ago. It's a look I have become accustomed to, one tainted by war and internal conflict. I wrap my arms around her middle, praying she reciprocates. "I'll miss you," my voice is barely a whisper.

Her voice lightens back to the false sweetness. "As I will to you." She's trying to make me feel better, but her sudden mood change just makes my heart ache with the realization that she is right. Slumber and meditation are what she needs the most right now. Her arms never return the embrace, and I regretfully drop mine back to my side.

Irene turns from me, stepping through the doorway to the pristine temple.

The bells begin their pattern once more. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Each chime is drawn out to echo through the air.

It's her way of wishing me well and telling me goodbye. I hum the same pattern back. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Each hum is drawn out to echo through the air.

I open the portal to leave, knowing it will be centuries before I see her again.

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