Important Notes

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Important Notes

The only parts of this that are the most important are the bolded words. If you don't want to read it all, that's fine, but please look at the bolded stuff.

Take note that no information regarding the story or characters is taken past Minecraft Diaries Season 2 or past Mystreet Emerald Secret. I never watched any of her content past those points. So while a fair bit of this is incorrect now that the story has been laid out more, I never had contact with those later parts in the stories and thus don't care. If you are unhappy about that, take it up with a manager.

There will be a few bonus chapters of certain scenes from another point of view or the continuation of a scene from another point of view. This is to reminisce the way I wrote the original version of the story; just in a better less immersion-breaking way. These bonus chapters will be shorter than the others.

All of the words that are spoken in the other language are not keyboard smash. I have actually invented a language for this. For ease, it is essentially English with the replacement words I have come up with to stand in the places of English words. But the grammar rules, punctuation rules, and overall sentence structuring are the exact same.

Please keep in mind that some things from the original version will be changed or completely removed. These changes will occur to keep it consistent and so that there are not too many smaller plot lines. To even it out, there will also be things that were not originally there as well.

This timeline is thought out more than the original.

Character Explanation

To make the story less like a 14-year-old wrote it, I have decided what your character looks like. You still get to put in your first and last name and your favorite color. Otherwise, everything else has already been filled in. If you want, you can put your own looks and stuff in place of the descriptors, but this will make the story flow so much better and be way more consistent.

Y/N L/N has long (like long-long) jet-black hair, darker than almost anything as it looks like pure void. Her eyes are a bright blue, similar in color to Katelyn's hair. She's not that tall, but she's taller than a few people, close-ish to 5'10/5'11 (about 178 to 180 cm). Despite a few millennia on Earth, her skin is extremely pale, as she spends much of her time covered up or completely surrounded by shadows. But she does not burn in the sun. The magic she casts is very similar to charcoal and smoke. It's a dark gray and black color, sometimes it even looks like the void depending on what spell specifically she is casting. She is often associated with the moon and prays to it as though it were a god-like being. She prays to the sun and stars as well.

Magic System

Each type of magic has its own system of operations. The witches, familiars, fairies, elves, and various magic users from the original MCD storyline follow the same principles and rules they had there. However, because I have invented two completely new forms of magic for my storyline, I will explain the basic premises of how they work.

Y/N and Jace's magic comes from their "religion" (for lack of a better word) following the Moon, Sun, and Stars. The amount of mana that they have comes from offerings and prayers to these celestial beings; different types of offerings and prayers hold more mana than others. These entities also directly lead to what powers they have. Their powers follow the lunar and solar cycles.

Shidi's magic (as she is a genie) is infinite. She has no limits to what she can do. The issue is that she does not cast anything without the right amount of payment. She also has the freedom to refuse the person offering the payment. Meaning... She has no obligation to fulfill what someone requests she does. The typical rules that follow genies do not follow her. Instead, she has a moral code that she follows. Shidi does not tell the people asking what that code is, she just says no when it crosses a boundary that she has laid out.

Pronunciation Guide

Shadress (Shade-ress)
Shidi (She-dee)
Zemi (Zem-ee)
Abernathy (Ah-bur-nah-thy)
Saloane (Sah-lone)
Aeolius (A-oh-lee-us)
Vhalhalmer (Vall-hall-mer)
Norvosa (Nor-vo-sah)
Zeke (Zee-key)
Helena (Hell-en-ah)
Elio (Eh-lee-oh)
Namid (Nah-meed)
Mene (Meh-neh)

These are my assumptions of what the majority of people would like a guide for. Please let me know if you think a word needs to be added.


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/C - Favorite Color

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