Ch. 16- Witches Galore

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Our stay in Scaleswind was tense after our alliance conversation; the reason for which became clearer after Aphmau told me Nicole knows of her history as Irene.

As the only one in the group who had actually been to Tu'la before, I had stressed how much of an issue the kingdom would pose if someone other than O'Khasis rose to power. The king is almost under the total control of the O'Khasian Lord and the High Priest. It would not be difficult for them to spin a tale about any of their enemies and cause conflict.

Nicole had asked to speak to her council members before she made the decision, but she seemed to have a more favorable view of the alliance with the information I provided. The fiery lord had returned with the answer within an hour, a seemingly easy choice for the council to make.

Currently, I sit outside the mahogany and oak walls while I wait for the others to leave. Nicole clearly had expressed her concerns about me remaining in her village's walls, to which I did not protest and simply offered my leave.

I was not heartbroken by the enthusiastic goodbye.

The effects of the curse did not leave any trace as soon as I stepped outside the walls – my previous traveling outfit letting in the breeze that couldn't previously reach me within the walls. My shadows no longer sit upon my face, and my wings press uncomfortably against my back as I keep myself hidden within the trees.

Looking up, I notice the sun is almost at the highest point in the sky. I hum before muttering out a quick prayer, bowing my head to show brief appreciation. It has been a while since I have offered Elio a prayer. Helena and Namid take up most of my time and attention. It's not as though Elio offers me much, although I do appreciate the warmth he provides. He shines just a little brighter as soon as I'm finished with the thought.

I glare playfully. "Stop reading the things I think. You are absolutely incorrigible."

Silence responds with a gentle nudge. It falls over me easily as I welcome time to think without any of the people I travel with these days.

Aphmau and her guards are good company, sure, but I think back to the times when the Divine Warriors and all of our companions would be moving around.

Many of the villages needed our help, most of which were kilometers apart. When we needed to get from place to place, the trips were filled with music and laughter. We'd practice our abilities when properly away from human life; that was often how we discovered new things we could do. Not to mention the amount of times we were able to help individuals that we previously didn't know about.

Irene's glowing smile flashes through my mind before I open my eyes. I frown at the various thoughts that crawl through my mind with the image. If it wasn't for the abrupt end, I would've enjoyed my memories for a moment.

I shake off any lingering feelings from my thoughts and push off the tree I was leaning against, meandering to the path.

As soon as I step onto the dirt and gravel road, I feel a pair of eyes lingering on my back. I keep my eyes on the gates of Scaleswind, refusing to look. If I cannot feel this being's aura, then they likely are not close enough for me to see. I cannot give them what they want by turning to find where they are. However, my wings flutter with the unwanted attention.

It doesn't take long for the group to emerge from the depths of the city-state. Aphmau is in the lead with Garroth at her right. I feel grateful for her new traveling outfit in place of the dress that she almost tripped over several times. Grace is not her strong suit all of the time.

"So..." I begin, "What is our next plan of action?" I cross my arms and observe them.

Aphmau speaks up, one of the ears atop her head twitching with the sound of the breeze. "We were thinking of stopping at Pikoro to ask them about the alliance as well. Not to mention Brightport and the Southern Wolf Tribe."

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