The Big Training Camp (🏐)

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Panicked/Anxious : Hinata
Comforters : Basically, everyone, lol.

Warning! Mention of Panic and Anxiety attacks.


Whoever organised the camp had some screws loose in their head, and a coach had organised a camp between almost all the schools.

Johzenji, Aoba Josai, Date Tech, Shiratorizawa, Karasuno, Fukurodani, Nekoma, Inarizaki, and more.

I can't name them all, lol.

Anyway! The coaches all came together to organise the giant camp, what could go wrong... right?

The camp was set at Inarizaki High. They had one of the biggest gyms and the most gyms at the school, so the coaches thought that would be the perfect place.

All schools would get to do practice matches and just really get to know each other, the perfect foolproof plan.


Inarizaki, Itatchiyama, and Kamomedai were the first schools to arrive at the camp, Inarizaki, because, duh, it's their school. The other two because they were in close proximity.

However, the other schools had to take buses one after another to get there. So it took about a whole day for all the schools to get there.

Even Kakugawa High was there with the big two meter tall guy Hyakuzawa.

Karasuno was the last to arrive for various reasons. One was because everyone seemed to want to play against Hinata, and Hinata was an anxious bean.

Hinata doesn't mind attention, but when everyone swarms him, they trigger attacks and big panic for him.

Hinata has always had issues with panic and anxiety attacks, which is why he takes medication.

Hinata loved everyone on all the teams. Don't get him wrong! He just doesn't want to be completely swarmed.

So the coaches decided Karasuno should arrive last so that Hinata could prepare himself for the number of people that would be there.

Honestly, that doesn't make sense. They should have let Karasuno arrive before everyone so that Hinata could see everyone in batches. Now, Hinata will for sure be swarmed. 

Oh well! Too damn late now.

Big mistake.

The Karasuno bus arrived at Inarizaki High. Everyone else got off the bus, except for Hinata. The realisation was starting to come to Hinata, and his chest started to tighten in panic.

Hinata took in a deep breath, trying to balance himself as he made his way off the bus, but as soon as he heard the squeals of all the other players, he immediately went back on the bus.

" Ah crap... Hinata? Are you okay? "

Sugawara asked as he peeked onto the bus where he saw Hinata curled in a ball, his whole body shaking.


Hinata cried out, there was way too many people there all at once.

Sugawara understood as he stood off the bus and looked at everyone...

" Okay, everyone, I need you to calm down and be very careful, okay? Hinata doesn't enjoy being swarmed. I am going to allow two people to say hello to him at a time. I pick who goes! "

Suga said sternly, already seeing half of them jumping in anticipation.

" Okay, Kenma and Kuroo, you can go first. "

Suga said, earning some grumbles and whines from practically everyone else.

Kenma and Kuroo went on the bus.

" Hina! "

Kenma said with excitement as he ran to Hinata and hugged him tightly.

" I'm sorry that we all scared you. I know what it's like. "

Kenma said while he soothed Hinata, who was still shaken up pretty badly.

Kuroo stood his distance. He wasn't as close with Hinata as Kenma is.

" Hey, Shortie. Nice to see you again. "

Kuroo teased, making Hinata give a soft laugh.

" Thanks, guys, you always know how to make me feel better. "

Hinata said softly as he looked up at them with a gentle smile on his face. Kenma and Kuroo waved goodbye as they got off the bus.

" Alright, next... hmmm.. Ushiwaka and Tendou. "

Oikawa jumped up.

" That's not fair! "

Ushiwaka smirked.

" Should have come to Shiratorizawa Oikawa. Maybe then you would be picked. "

Ushiwaka said with a laugh before him and Tendou went on the bus.

" There's my favourite little 10! "

Tendou said as he jumped in excitement.

" Hello, Hinata Shoyou. "

Ushiwaka said so sternly. Ushiwaka will always have such respect for the young and short middle blocker/spiker.

" Hello Tendou and Ushi.. nice to see you both again! "

Hinata said with a smile as he waved his hand gently. Tendou pat Hinata's head.

" Always my favourite Karasuno student! "

Tendou said with such a proud dad face as if he raised Hinata all on his own.

Ushiwaka just stared before gripping Tendou's hand and dragging him off the bus.

" You did not raise him! Stop acting like you are his father! "

Ushi said as he dragged Tendou inside.

" Alright, Atsumu, you next. "

Suga said.

" NO WAY! "

Kageyama yelled as he pounced towards Atsumu and started to tackle him. Suna, of course, grabbed his phone and started to take pictures of the whole situation.

" This is so going on Facebook. "

Suna said with a smirk.

" Okay... then Oikawa and Iwaizumi. "

" No need, Suga. I'm okay now. "

Hinata said as he stood at the doors of the bus. He was less frightened now and excited to see everyone and obviously play volleyball with everyone.

" Hey everyone! "

Hinata said as he waved to them all. Oikawa ran to Hinata and hugged him.

" My little adorable prince! "

Oikawa said while crying.

" Um... Great King? "

Hinata questioned, gently patting Oikawa's head.

" Okay then... um everyone, don't worry, we can all chat and spend time together. But don't we want to play some volleyball?! "

Hinata said with excitement. Making everyone else realise that they forgot why they were here.

" Oh, right! This is a volleyball camp! "

Osamu said with nervousness.

" We should all head inside and warm up. Come on, everyone. And Oikawa, let go of Hinata! "

Sugawara said while prying Oikawa off of his orange hair child.


The End.

Lol, idk. I wanted some chaos.

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