Welcome To Hell Mother Fucker

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Charlie reached out to help Y/N up, her hand offering support as he rose from the ground. Y/N leaned on Charlie, grateful for her assistance, though Charlie couldn't help but struggle a bit due to his significantly taller stature she struggled under the weight of Y/N's weakened form. Charlie looked up at him, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

Charlie: "By the way, I wanted to ask you something... if that's alright with you, of course."

Y/N nodded their expression a mixture of curiosity and exhaustion.

Y/N: "Shoot."

Charlie: "I was just wondering, how do you plan on disguising yourself?"

Y/N furrowed his brows, pondering Charlie's question for a moment before realization dawned on him.

Y/N: "Oh, you mean because I'm an Angel and all that?"

Charlie nodded eagerly.

Charlie: "Exactly. It might not be the safest idea for an Angel to be wandering around Hell, especially when you're known as The Reaper From Hell."

Y/N chuckled softly, acknowledging the validity of Charlie's concern.

Y/N: "You make a good point, I haven't really thought about it."

His gaze drifting off as he contemplated the predicament. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Charlie's excitement bubbled over, interrupting his train of thought with an exuberant suggestion.

Charlie: "Ah! How about we get you a demon costume? I'll make you fake horns and a tail! Oh, and we can even pick out a new outfit for you. It'll be like a fun day out together!"

Y/N couldn't help but smile at Charlie's enthusiasm, though he shook his head gently.

Y/N: "I appreciate the offer, but that won't be necessary."

Charlie's expression fell, her eyes adopting a slightly disappointed puppy-like eyes as she gazed up at Y/N. Despite her initial excitement, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the rejection.

Charlie: "Really, why not?"

Y/N's response was enigmatic, marked by a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he took a deliberate step back from Charlie. She watched him, a blend of excitement and confusion swirling in her mind.

Y/N: "I have another solution."

With each word, Y/N's demeanor shifted, a subtle spark of anticipation igniting in his eyes. He continued, his voice dripping with dramatic flair.

Y/N: "I'm not sure if you're aware, but we angels have a little trick up our sleeves. After spending an extended time in Hell, we undergo a transformation, acquiring certain... characteristics."

As he spoke, an eerie energy began to coil around Y/N, engulfing him in flickering flames and shrouding him in a foreboding aura. Charlie watched in awe and horror as he underwent a startling metamorphosis right before her disbelieving eyes.

Gone were his once serene and angelic features, replaced by a visage tinged with malevolence and darkness. A twisted grin curled upon his lips, exuding a sinister allure that sent a chill down Charlie's spine.

 A twisted grin curled upon his lips, exuding a sinister allure that sent a chill down Charlie's spine

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