Sleepover from Hell

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As Y/N diligently drags his bed across the length of the hallway, the soft scrape of wood against tile echoing in the empty corridor, he is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of Charlie around the corner. Caught off guard by Y/N's peculiar endeavor, Charlie's curiosity gets the best of her.

Charlie: "Um, Y/N, what exactly are you doing with your bed?"

Y/N, pausing in his task, turns to face Charlie with a sheepish grin.

Y/N: "Oh, Spider invited me to a sleepover tonight in his room. It's my first time attending one, but judging by the name, I figured I'd better bring my own bed along for a comfortable night's sleep."

Charlie's eyes widen with excitement, her enthusiasm practically palpable.

Charlie: "Firstly, that's adorable! Secondly, why didn't Angel mention anything to me about it?"

Y/N shrugs nonchalantly, a playful glint in his eye.

Y/N: "Who knows? But hey, would you like to join us?"

Charlie's reaction is immediate, her excitement bubbling over.

Charlie: "You mean it?!"

Y/N nods with a grin, extending the invitation warmly.

Y/N: "Of course! I'm sure Spider wouldn't mind at all."

Unable to contain her joy, Charlie throws her arms around Y/N in a tight hug, her gratitude evident.

Charlie: "Oh, thank you, thank you! This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait! What should I wear? What should I bring? Ah!"

With that, Charlie dashes down the hallway, her elation evident in every step. However, her jubilant haste leads to a minor mishap as she trips and falls, though she quickly recovers and disappears around the corner before Y/N can react. Left in bemusement, Y/N watches her departure with a quizzical expression.

Y/N: "Why is she so thrilled about just sleeping over?"

As the night progresses, Angel Dust lounges comfortably in his bed, idly stroking the fluffy form of Fat Nuggets nestled beside him, his mind filled with mischievous thoughts.

Angel Dust: "I'm telling you, Nuggie, this is the perfect plan to work my charm on Y/N. Just one night with me, and he'll be putty in my hands. Hehehe!"

A sudden knock at the door interrupts Angel's plotting, and he springs to his feet with eager anticipation, expecting Y/N's arrival.

Angel Dust: "Hey there, hot stuff! About time you showed up. You should—"

Angel's words trail off as he registers the sight before him: Y/N standing awkwardly in the doorway, his entire bed frame awkwardly propped up behind him.

Angel Dust: "Um, what's with the bed?"

Y/N, struggling to maneuver his cumbersome bed into Angel's room, offers an apologetic smile.

Y/N: "It's my bed. Took me a bit to wrangle it out of my room, so this might take a minute."

Fifteen minutes of awkward maneuvering later, Y/N finally manages to squeeze his bed into Angel's room with a triumphant grin.

Y/N: "There we go! Alright then, time to settle in for the night."

Angel Dust, taken aback by the early bedtime, protests.

Angel Dust: "But it's still early!"

Y/N, puzzled, responds with genuine confusion.

Y/N: "Isn't that what we're supposed to do at a sleepover? Sleep?"

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