Hell's Best Moms

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Charlie: "Hey, Alastor! Since today's Mother's Day, I thought it'd be a wonderful idea to make a heartwarming video about our beloved mothers! Yay!"

With a beaming smile, Charlie enthusiastically shoves a camera in Alastor's face, her excitement palpable.

Charlie: "So! Tell me about your mother? I'm sure our viewers would love to hear all about her!"

Alastor's demeanor shifts as he takes a step back, a shadow passing over his usually cheerful countenance. He shields his face from the camera, his tone becoming terse.

Alastor: "My mother was a lovely woman. But some memories are best left undisturbed. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend to."

With a flicker of annoyance, Alastor vanishes into the darkness, leaving Charlie standing there, perplexed.

Charlie: "Huh, guess he's not keen on discussing his mom... Well, onto the next interviewee!"

Charlie rushes over to Vaggie, her camera ready to capture the moment.

Charlie: "Sooo, Vaggie, can you tell us a bit about your mom?"

Vaggie pauses for a moment, considering the question before responding.

Vaggie: "Oh, uhh, sure, I guess."

Charlie: "Yay!"

With a hesitant smile, Vaggie begins to open up.

Vaggie: "She was rather nice and caring, just like any other mother, to be honest. We had a normal mother and daughter relationship."

Vaggie's voice trails off, a hint of nostalgia in her tone as she reminisces about her past.

Vaggie's Mom: "escucha aquí hija de puta no vas a salir y ya está!"(Listen here, motherfucker, you're not going to leave and that's it!)

Vaggie: "Nunca me dejas hacer nada"(You never let me do anything.)

Vaggie's Mom: "quieres hacer algo ¿qué tal si lavas algunos platos?!"(You want to do something, how about you wash some dishes?!)

Vaggie: "Tengo 20 años. Debería poder salir cuando quiera."(I am 20 years old. I should be able to go out whenever I want.)

Vaggie's Mom: "Mientras vivas bajo mi techo no harás una mierda!"(As long as you live under my roof you won't do shit!)

Vaggie: "Odio estar aquí, desearía no haber nacido nunca!"(I hate it here, I wish I had never been born!)

Vaggie's Mom: "Me lo agradecerás cuando no quedes embarazada a los 20 como lo hice contigo!"(You'll thank me when you don't get pregnant at 20 like I did with you!)

Vaggie: "Yep, she was a typical Latina mom."

Vaggie's eyes glimmer with memories of fond times gone by as she speaks.

Charlie: "Aw, that's nice."

Charlie offers Vaggie a warm smile before heading over to Angel and Husk, who are seated at the bar.

Charlie: "So, Angel? Husk? What were your moms like?"

Angel Dust perks up with a mischievous grin.

Angel Dust: "I actually had two moms."

Angel's smug expression doesn't go unnoticed by Husk, who seems to have an epiphany.

Husk: "Huh, now it all makes sense."

Charlie's curiosity piques at this revelation.

Charlie: "Really!? How was that like?"

Angel's face softens as he reminisces about his mothers.

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