Sushi & Martini's

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"GUESS WHO HAS A DATE TONIGHT!" I shouted, dancing into the flat and toward the kitchen where Emily and Scarlet were butt naked, "NAKED WOMEN!"

"FUCK," Scarlet shouted back with a giggle, running past me to grab some clothes.

"Hi," Emily laughed, trying to cover her body in front of me.

"Hi," I smirked, not bothering to look away.

"Will you stop staring at her body, she's mine," Scarlet giggled, throwing Emily a jumper as she covered herself up too.

"Is she now?" I smiled.

Scarlet hummed and nodded, "so you got a date?"

"With Lizzie," I added proudly, jumping up onto the kitchen side and nodding, "she told her friends about me and we're going out for drinks this evening!"

"Oh my god," Scarlet beamed, "congrats babe!"

"Yeah, we thought she'd never come out," Emily added, being cut off by Scarlet's slap to her arm, "ow?"

"We didn't think that," Scarlet lied.

"It's fine," I giggled, "I thought the same to be honest, I'm also sorry that I've been such a shit friend recently. Lizzie said herself that she hasn't been the best person so far and I agree."

"I don't want to say I told you so," Scarlet smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"But?" I smirked.

"I told you so," she smirked back at me, "do we get to finally meet her?"

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot actually ... I really like her," I smiled, "do you think it's too early to ask her to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes," Scarlet laughed.

"No, I don't think so," Emily added, "if I had been seeing someone for two months, I'd be expecting it."

Scarlet looked over at her and raised her brows, "are you still talking to Y/N/N?"

"Why?" Emily smiled, "because you haven't asked me yet?"

"I might go to my room," I spoke up.

"Nope, you can stay right there," Scarlet voiced, holding her hand out toward me before looking back at Emily, "would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I thought Scarlet didn't do relationships," Emily smirked.

"That was before I met you," Scar replied, "so?"

"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend," she giggled, "I've been waiting for you to ask for weeks."

"Shut up," Scarlet laughed, cupping her cheeks and bringing her in for a slow soft kiss.

"I'm gonna go now," I smiled, jumping off the side and leaving them to have the house to themselves for a few hours.

I miss you already, really looking forward to tonight x

Me too! Do you want to come to mine, and we'll go from there?

I'll be there at 7 x

It had been a long time since I had been on a first date, but this didn't feel like a first date. This felt like I was taking my long-term girlfriend out for drinks and dinner. Lizzie and I already knew so much about each other that this didn't feel as nerve-wracking as it should be. I wasn't stressed about my outfit or how I should wear my hair or if my body was clean-shaven. I knew Lizzie liked me just the way I was, so I had no desire to impress her. She had already seen me naked, sweaty and freshly awake so I'm really not sure if much I did actually gave her the ick. Without the nerves, I was just utterly excited for tonight, I picked my outfit in a matter of minutes and was then left to dance toward the shower, my speaker in hand so I didn't have to overhear how loved up Scarlet and Emily were in the next room over.

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