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Choji's POV:

There was only one real regret in his life, which ironically was connected to his fondest memory. It started when he was six. He had always been big for his age and as he became older the more he heard the word 'fat' directed at him. It stung that word. It was made worse by the fact that girls were the ones who said it the most. Girls didn't seem to like boys who ate as much as he did. His mother was the exception. She had no issue with how much Choji's father ate and could actually eat almost as much. He wanted to meet a girl like that. Not so he could date her, he was not ready for that, but so that he knew there were girls like that in the world still.

He was in this frame of mind when he saw a butterfly. It had unusual markings on its wings, but it flew off before he could get a good look. Without thinking he took chase. He was looking up at the butterfly, stopping him from noticing the orange and white figure in front of him. He barrelled right into them, knocking them to the ground hard. Choji stayed standing, looking down at the one he had ran into. It was a little girl with shoulder length, silky blonde hair, reminding him of when the sun hits ripples in the river. Her blue eyes were dull, looking at the ground. The white shirt she wore was unharmed but dirt splattered her long, orange skirt.

"I... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," She stammered, shaking, her eyes wide, filling with tears.

Choji had never seen behaviour like this. She shook so badly he thought she would fall apart but at the same time she appeared to be shrinking into herself. She was pale, not naturally so, since her hands were tan, and she was skinny. The collar bone that peaked out from her shirt was protruding so badly that Choji could probably have wrapped his hand around it completely. The girl looked positively terrified and when he held out his hand to help her up she flinched, crawling away from him.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again," She yelped as she shook her head. She tripped on her skirt as she went to get up, it being too long for her.

"You don't need to apologise," Choji assured her. "It wasn't your fault. I wasn't watching where I was going." He sat down on his knees slowly, keeping his hands in his lap, visible to the girl. This calmed her down. "I'm sorry. Are you hurt?"

She shook her head, her shaking slowly subsiding.

"That's good. My name is Choji, what's yours?"


"Choji, there you are." At Choza's thundering voice Uzu jumped, trying to crawl away. "Who's your friend?"

The girl froze, as though she hoped she would become invisible if she stayed still long enough. Choji's mother put down the picnic blanket she was holding, walking slowly up to Uzu.

"Hello, sweetie, what's your name?"

The blonde didn't speak, didn't move, only her eyes widened more. She looked like a very frightened statue, with her arm outstretch so she could crawl forward, her knees unaligned. She would have made a very beautiful and thought provoking piece of art if she wasn't real.

"Her name is Uzu, mum," Choji spoke up.

"What a pretty name." Choji's mum knelt a safe distance from Uzu, smiling at the girl. "Mine is Aiko."

The woman was always a kind, loving person. Shikamaru had commented a number of times how she made people feel welcome and safe. She spoke softly to Uzu, as though coaxing a baby rabbit out of hiding. Slowly Uzu started moving again, putting her hand down and finally sitting up.

Choza didn't move, and seemed to be trying to not breathe too loudly. He obviously knew his size and appearance would frighten Uzu again. Choji's mother made sure to put an end to that.

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