Dinner Together

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"Do more of what makes you happy"

At Kim Mansion
Bangpink POV
We went downstairs and sat on the couch as Mom and dad called us. We saw Roya was also sitting there but we tend to avoid her as she is a pure slut. How we got to know?

At parking in School
Jungkook POV
Tae Hyung, Jimin Hyung, Rose noona, lisa and me walked towards our limo and were about to sit as Hyungs and noonas already left cause dad called them for some work, when I saw something which made me shock. I saw Roya making out with a random guy. I called everyone and told them to see that.

Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Lisa and Rose POV
We went see why Jk called us only to see Roya Making out with a random guy, Eww what a slvt. We made a disgusting face after seeing that and ASA we get home, we told this thing to Hyungs/oppas and unnies/noonas. They were also shocked to hear and then Suga oppa/Hyung hacked her phone and we get to know that she is a pure slvt and a gold digger. We wonder how that DOD will be.

*Flashback ends*

After some time Mom and Dad came. We greeted them.
Jin:- Mom & Dad why did you guys called us?
Dad:- We called you guys here to tell that DOD are coming here today evening.
Jimin:- Why?
Mom:- We have to do a announcement.
Bangpink and Roya:- Okay.

At 7:00 pm
We reached Kim mansion as the security let us in after seeing our face, Mr. Kim must have told them. We parked our car and Ring the doorbell. And the door opened revealing a maid. She guided us till the Couch and went to call others. Till then we where busy in our phones.

Bangpink, Roya, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Han came downstairs and saw DOD sitting their. So they also went and sat on the couch.
Mr.Kim:- Hey DOD. (Friendly)
DOD:- Hi. (Cold)
Then Mr. Kim poke Bangpink to greet them.
Bangpink:- Hey DOD. (Uninterested)
DOD:- Hey. (Not interested as well)
Mr. Kim:- Let's go to dining room and have dinner. (With that everyone went towards dining room, and sat on their seats)
Jin:- What do you want to announce Mom?
Mom:- Yeah we want to announce that we are getting married this weekend.
Everyone x Mr. Kim & Mrs. Han:- WHAT!!!!????
Dad:- Yeah, are you guys ok with it? (Asked to Bangpink)
Bangpink:- Yes Dad anything for you.
Dad:- Thanx guys.
Mom:- Are you ok with it? (Asked to Roya)
Roya:- Yes mom, I'm absolutely fine with that. (Excited)

Bangpink POV
Argh again that sluty smile, Eww disgusting.
But Why did Mom only asked Roya about her opinion and didn't ask DOD? Well, They don't seem Bothered, though. We also shrugged off that thought and started eating our food.

After that we left for our mansion.

Next Morning
I woke up, did my morning routine, wore my workout clothes and went towards workout room. Skz are on their Mission appointed by us because we can't go because of this stupid marriage so they went to Japan and they will be here in 2 months or more I guess. When I entered workout room I saw my soultwin already doing exercises so I also joined him.

In dining room
Yn and Jp were having there breakfast and that's when the door bell rang. Yn gestured the maid to open the door. And a handsome man came in the view of DOD.

???:- Good morning DOD my babies.
Yn:- Oh Woonie hyung Morning. Come have breakfast with us. It's been long you know.
Eunwoo:- Sure Baby. Well don't you guys have college today?
Jp:- Yeah we have, we will leave after having breakie.
Eunwoo:- Oo ok well let's go together on bikes. I brought mine so let's go.
Yn:- But why are you coming to college/uni?
Eunwoo:- Actually I have some work in that area so let's go.
DOD:- Okay.

In college
After bidding bye to Eunwoo DOD got inside the gates of hell- I mean College/university. And they park their bikes and started walking towards their class leaving all the students present there screaming on the top of their lungs to get their (DOD) attention.

After University
DOD saw Bangpink leaving with Roya but everyone was giving roya a bitchy look which she deserves. DOD sarcastically chuckled at her and left for mansion.


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