Living together

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"Imagine entering a family gathering after being the youngest millionaire of you bloodline"


Kim Mansion
Everyone came and sat on the Couch tiredly. And after sometime of relaxing Dad said-

Dad:- Everyone go to your rooms, get changed and sleep well. Tomorrow we will discuss about this topic and find a solution. (Then he called a maid and to her to show DOD their rooms)

Next Morning
5:00 pm
I woke up, did my morning routine and went to My soultwin's room. He was already wake then we went downstairs and a maid came to us.

Maid:-*Bowed* How may I help you Sir and ma'am?
Yn:- Do this mansion in case have Workout room.
Maid:- Yes Ma'am, please follow me.

The maid showed us the workout room and left. We went inside and saw Bangpink there.
They also saw us.

Jimin:- What are you guys doing here? (Cold)
Yn:- We are here for workout, Isn't it obvious? (Cold)
Jimin:-*Rolls his eyes*

After workout everyone got back to their rooms, did their morning routine, came downstairs, sat on the Couch and went silent.

Jin:- So how old are you guys? (Cold) *Jin asked breaking the silence to DOD*
Yn:- I'm 20. (Cold)
JP:- I'm 20 too cause we are Twins. (Cold)
Jin:- So let us also introduce yourselves clearly.
Yn:- Go ahead.
Jin:- I'm 28.
Yoongi:- I'm 27.
Hoseok:- I'm 26.
Namjoon:- I'm 25.
Vmin:- We are 22.
Jk:- I'm 20 same as you two.
Jisoo:- I'm 28 same as Jin.
Jennie:-I'm 25 same as Namjoon.
Rose:-I'm 22 same as Vmin.
Lisa:- I'm 20 same as Jungkook and you two.
DOD:- Hmm.

And everyone got busy on their phone.
At 7:00 am
The couple came down and saw their kids sitting on sofa busy in their phones. (Expect Roya) Everyone went towards the dining room and sat on their seats. After sometime Roya also came and they started having breakfast.

Dad:- Roya, How much pocket money do you need? I mean you asked for it yesterday right?
Roya:- Yes Dad, and you can give me any amount.
Dad:- are you ok with 10000 wons?
Roya:- What? (Shocked)
Dad:- Yeah are you ok with that amount?
Roya:- Yea Dad and Thank you so much.
Dad:- *smiled at roya* and DOD what about you how much pocket money do you want?
Yn:- Thanks for asking but we don't need pocket money. (Cold)
Dad:- Why?
JP:- We just don't need it. (Cold)
Dad:- Ok but ask when you need it.

After the Breakfast
Dad:- Today no one is going to school.
Everyone x Mom and Dad:- Why?
Dad:- Cause me and your mom is going to honeymoon for 3 months and that's also a business trip. So you guys have to spend sometime with each other.
Namjoon:- When are you leaving?
Dad:- Our packing is done so we are leaving now only.
Now Kim siblings:- okay.
Roya:- but dad I promised my friends that I will give them party today cause to my mom's marriage.
Dad:- ok you can go but take 4 bodyguards and a driver with you, ok?
Roya:- ok dad but why bodyguards.
Dad:- Jin & Jisoo I'm giving to both the responsibility of this house, your siblings and everything. (He said ignoring the question of Roya) We will take our leave now.
Kim siblings including Roya and DOD:- ok Dad.

After bidding their byes The Kim siblings came inside the living room and sat on the couch.

JP:- Yn come to my room. *gets up and left from there*
Yn:- yeah *follows him*

In JP's room
Yn:- What happened?
JP:- Let's continue our project.
Yn:- Ok but What about our STEP-siblings proposal for being project partners? Do we have any profit?
JP:- Actually both the companies are at profit if we sign contract with them. But I was waiting for your opinion.
Yn:- Wait, Let me check their idea.
JP:- Here it is. *said handing her the file of information about the project which Kim corporation (Bangpink's Company) wants to do in partnership with Han Enterprises (DOD's Company)*

In living room
Bangpink POV
ASA DOD left, Roya said she is going to hangout with her friends so she also left.

Jin:- In the meeting room now!
Bangpink x Jin:- Ne Oppa/Hyung.

In meeting room
Jin:- Suga what about the proposal we sent to Owners of Han Enterprises? Did they agreed for the deal?
Yoongi:- No yet. I mean there is still no sign them reading it.
Jin:- I knew it. It's too hard to have partnership with them. They are so good observers. They don't even leave a single penny of profit of them.
Namjoon:- yeah I heard they are mafias and Have 90% of law in their hands. And are the youngest billionaires. But are so humble and down to earth people.
Yoongi:- Yeah you heard right.
Namjoon:- Let's request them to have a meeting with us.
Yoongi:- Good Idea. *immediately send them a request to have a meeting*
Jin:- Ok now let them take their time till then let's start to work on new project.
Bangpink x jin:- Ok Hyung/oppa.

In afternoon
Lunch time
We were working when suddenly a notification came on our company email. We opened it and saw The owners of Kim Corporation means our so called step-siblings have sent us a request to have a meeting with them. We smirked at each other and accept it.

In evening
We were done with our company work and now we were doing our school assignments. That's when we heard one of our step-siblings calling our name. We shared a confused look and went to see what happened.

Namjoon:- YN! Ji-pyong! DOD!! (Cold)
DOD:- What?!!  (Cold)
Namjoon:- We are going out for some work so don't go out without our permission. (Cold)
DOD:- Hmm Okay. (Cold)
(Bangpink left)
JP:- If we didn't get out then what are you gonna do in that empty meeting room alone. (Sarcastically chuckled)
Yn:- Let's get ready it's time to go.
JP:- Hmm let's go.


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