Wedding Day (Mom&Dad)

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      "Not all quite people have attitude
                                  In them"

Author POV
Days passed and DOD and Bangpink still didn't accept each other. And Today is the Wedding day of Mr. Kim and Mrs.Han (Soon to be Mrs.Kim)

Btw their wedding looks


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Ji-pyong (JP)

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Ji-pyong (JP)


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After getting ready Bangpink with Roya reached there destination. As The bride and the groom were already there. When DOD reached, they saw Bangpink sitting on one of the table with Roya, So they went and sat on the another table but a waiter walked towards them and said-

Waiter:- Miss Yn and Mr. Ji-pyong please sit on that table with The Kim siblings and Miss Roya. (Respectfully)
Yn:- And why?
Waiter:- Actually Master ordered us to tell you guys to sit with each other.
JP:- Hmm Ok.
Waiter:- please follow me.

The waiter lead DOD to Bangpink and Roya's Table and left from there. That's when someone came to their table and-

Girl:- Umm actually Mrs.Han called one of DOD or Roya to lead her to the stage.
DOD:- We're Out.
Roya:- Ok I'll come.
Lisa:- Why any of you guys didn't went?
JP:- None of your business. (Cold)

That's when they saw Mrs. Han (Soon to be Mrs. Kim) With Roya came. Roya leaded Mrs. Han to the stage and came back to Bangpink and DOD. After the vows and all the rituals, the priest announce them as husband and wife and told them to kiss. ASA DOD heard this they turned their faces to each other and gave a disgusting look.

After the Wedding was over the guest left but not after eating the free food. Bangpink, DOD, Mr.Kim, NOW and Roya were left there.

(A/n:- Now I'll write 'Dad' for Mr.Kim and 'Mom' for Mrs. Kim)

Dad:- So all the Kids will go in limo, and Jin will lead you all.
Jin:- Ok Dad.
JP:- Do we have to live with you guys in Kim mansion?
Dad:- Yeah.
Yn:- But we are still Han as we are 18+.
JP:- And Mrs. Kim don't have our Adoption anymore.
Dad:- Yeah I know about that so i have already taken your both's Adoption even before the wedding.
Yn:- What?
Dad:- Yes and As I have your adoption, I'm officially your dad.
DOD:- We are ready to accept You as our Dad but not your Sons and Daughters. (Cold)
Bangpink:- We too are not ready to accept DOD and Roya. (Cold)
Roya:- But you said you already accepted me. (Pouted acting cutely sad)
Bangpink:- No we don't. (Cold)
Dad:- Guys stop fighting and listen here.
Everyone x Mom,Dad:- Yes.
Dad:- Let's go to Mansion and Slove this problem.
Everyone x Dad:- Okay.


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