Going to Korea

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"Anyways at the end of the day,
I'm again all alone"


Note:- Y/n and JP lives in Canada they are trillionairs and have branches all over the world which are handled by some of their trusted friends.

In Canada
Author POV

Y/n woke up by an annoying Sound of alarm. After some time she sat up straight on the bed and Did some stretches and went towards the bathroom. After her morning routine.
Her outfit of the day. ⬇️

She wore this as she came downstairs and starts playing with Nico and was waiting for her twin to come down

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She wore this as she came downstairs and starts playing with Nico and was waiting for her twin to come down.

After my morning routine I wore something real quick and went downstairs to find my twin sis playing with Nico.

JP:- Come on let's have breakfast, or we are gonna be late.
Y/n:- Yeah coming.

At dinning room.
JP and Yn started talking casually as maids serve them their food. While they were talking Yn got a call. She answer it and put it on speaker.

On call
Yn:- Who's this? (Cold)
???:- This is your Mom Yn. (Fake sweet voice)
Yn:- What do you want? (Cold)
Mrs. Han:- Dear please come here in Korea with Ji-pyong. (Fake sweet voice)
Y/n:- Why?
Mrs. Han:- Just do as I say, please child.
(Before Yn could speak something Mrs. Han cut the call)

Yn:- What should we do now?
JP:- Well, first let's check what is the reason behind her calling us in Korea suddenly.
Yn:- Yeah.

(After breakfast Yn goes in her hacking room and bring her laptop).
JP:- Start hacking her phone Sissy
Yn:- Yes Oppa ( Yn sometimes call JP oppa when she shows her cute side)
(After hacking Mrs. Han's Phone)
Yn:- Oppa! I got it.
JP:- What is it?
Yn:- She is dating her boss Mr.Kim the Chairman of No.2 Company KIM corporations who has 7 SONS AND 4 DAUGHTERS!!! And gonna MARRY HIM!!!
JP:- WTF!!! Woah he worked really hard.
Yn:- Yes, He did.
JP:- Do we have any point on going to Korea?
Yn:- Well, We don't give a fuck to their marriage. So, Let's go Korea to meet our friends and have a check on our branch which is in Korea.
JP:- Yeah. Good Idea.
Yn:- I know (flipped her hairs)
JP:- Ok so I'll tell Nancy nonna to be the temporary CEO and let's email the principal for our leave and tell him that we will complete our studies there for this year and join next year again.
Yn:- okay. Emailing principle is Done and our tickets are also booked. Call Nancy Unnie and tell her about our leave.
JP:- Ok but when the flight is?
Yn:- I've manage our personal jet so we will take off at 7:00 pm in evening.
JP:- Ok

In Korea
Everyone is sitting in dining room including Mrs. Han and Roya having breakfast then Mrs.Han spoke.
( I'll write 'Dad' instead of Mr.Kim and 'Mom' instead of Mrs. Han)

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