You are a human who lives a pretty normal, invisible, teenage life. You don't have many friends and you're always picked on. You live your life normally, yet you feel that someone is watching you. Is there? Are you in danger? Or is there more?
The day started out normally. You woke up at (Whatever time you wake up for school) and get changed. You changed into a white, short sleeve top, low rise blue jeans, white sneakers, and you also tied a white and grey (Ish) black flannel shirt around your waist.
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You grabbed your brown satchel bag which you packed all of your school supplies in and walked out of your room towards the dining room. After placing your bag next to the black shoe tray, you walked into the kitchen and made coffee. (Or tea, whichever you like.) You also made breakfast (Your choice) so that way you would not be too hungry during the day.
You walk back into the small dining room and go on your phone as you eat. You scroll through social media and look to see if you had any texts from your friends. To no surprise, you don't. You don't have many friends. You have Maia, but she's not always around, you also have your boyfriend who claims you can always go to if you need anything. You do, but you don't always tell him everything. You don't want to bother him with your life problems because you don't want to seem too needy or clingy. Though he knows your life story and your family issues, there are still some things you keep from him. One thing is the fact that you don't like being touched so much, or the fact that when writing you write about him, however it always ends up with the characters breaking up.
Just as you're thinking about him, he texts you. "Good morning!" Tired, and not really wanting to respond, you text back, "Yolo!" You do this most mornings to avoid the same question every day. Though it never seems to work. "How much sleep did you get?" or "Did you sleep well?". As if on cue, your phone buzzes again. Bzz, Bzz! You look at your phone and sigh. "How much sleep did you get?" You drop your head in your empty and take a deep breath. You can do this y/n! You text back, "No idea but I think I got enough." You only use punctuation with him to make you seem smarter. You never use it with Maia. And the truth to why you make yourself look smarter is that you feel dumb around him. You're a slow learner and when you say the wrong answer and he corrects you and tells you why what he said is right, you feel stupid. Of course, you don't let him know this. Instead, you just smile and say you understand when you have no idea what the fuck he said.
When you finish your breakfast, you stand and take your dishes to the sink. As you walk in you see a black shadow run behind you from the corner of your eye. "What the?" You ask as you look around. Nothing is in sight. It's just you.
Once you finish washing your dishes, you turn around to find your father using bands on the pull up bar for exercising his arms. The fact that he made no sound scares you. You lean against the sink, placing your hand over your heart to normalize your beathing. You notice the time and the fact that you have ten more minutes till you need to get to school. (I'm using a school bus here but if you drive that's what you can use.)
Your phone buzzes once more and you groan. You pull out your phone from your pocket and look to see who messaged you. It was one of the kids from your school. You never talk to him unless he talks to you, but you laugh at his jokes and presentations' because he makes them hilarious. "The bus came." You face palm because it means you have thirty seconds to get ready. You get out a piece of mint gum and hoist your satchel over your shoulder. You fix your (Your hair type. also known as h/t) and you walk out the door, saying goodbye you your father, who could not hear you from his noise canceling headphones, and shutting the door behind you.