The Demon Substitute

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You walk into class with Dylan as per usual. You immediately there's a substitute teacher. He has chocolate hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. he is wearing a crimson, long sleeve button up shirt, a dark chocolate and crimson striped vest with four small, crimson buttons. he also wore a dark chocolate colored bow tie and white gloves. On his face he had hazel-colored glasses.

Eyeing him, you sit down. You feel a poke on the side of your arm. You turn to see Dylan with a worried expression. When he sits down, he asks, "Are you alright? You seem angry." You smile and say, "I'm great!" You then pull out your computer as the bell rings. The sub stands and walks to the front of the class. "Good morning!" Your head snaps up. Something about his voice seems oddly familiar. "Your teacher is out today so I am here to cover! My name is Alastor." Ah, there it is. Only his voice doesn't have the old radio cover thing. "If you need anything, feel free to ask!" Alastor walks back to his seat and smiles at you while you send a death glare.



"Y/n!" You snap your head towards Dylan. "Oh! Sorry."

"Are you alright?"

"Peachy." You glare back at Alastor who begins to take attendance. "Paul?"

"Here." The tall boy in the corner says. "Dylan?"

"Here." Alastor looks your way and smiles. He then looks over towards Dylan who is next to you and narrows his eyes. Your face turns pale, and you look down. Holy shit! Even without the demon look he's fucking creepy! "Y/n?"

"Um, here." You look up shyly. "Quite a please to meet you my dear." He smiles, and this time it's more welcoming. You look over at Dylan who has a 'the fuck?' expression on his face. You just smile and turn to your computer.

The lunch bell rings and you're about to walk out when you hear Alastor call your name. "Y/n. May I speak to you?" You look towards Dylan who is confused. "I'll be out soon." You kiss his cheek and pull out the chair next to Alastor's desk.

Your expression immediately turns annoyed. "What the fuck are you doing here?" You ask once the room is empty. "I'm covering for your class!"

"What did you do to the teacher?!"

"Nothing! She has a cold. She'll be back in a week."

"A cold doesn't keep you out of school for a week!"

"Oh! Well then, I guess it was a little more than that."

"Alastor, I swear if you did something-"

"Cross my heart."

"Alright. Now, why did you want to speak to me." Alastor turns in his chair and crosses his legs. A smile crosses his face, and you begin to feel scared. "Alastor? You're scaring me. Please just say something." He tilts his head to the right and leans on his hand. "Alastor?"

"So, I wanted to see how you were doing?" You narrow your eyes. You sigh and drag your hands down your face. You have got to be fucking kidding me! You look back at him. "You have been with me nonstop for the past- well, what seems like eternity!"

"A deal is a deal."


You talk to Alastor and get to know him for the rest of lunch. You share your lunch with him, and you start to think that he's not so bad. You learn how he has friends back in Hell where they are trying to rehabilitate sinners so that Heven won't kill them once a year. You told him about some of your hobbies and your favorite color. "Alastor?" Alastor looks at you while taking a bite from the half of the sandwich you gave him. "Yes?" He asks after swallowing. "If I may, how long exactly have you been um... well you know... watching me?"

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