What just happened? Ffffuck.

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This is the final chapter of the story!!! There may or may not be a second one!!!!

Second Person Pov:

You sit with Charlie and everyone else playing board games while Alastor and Lucifer are off fighting the liars. You'd be lying if you said that the games never took your mind off of everything. Just sitting and watching Vaggie, Angel, and Husk fight is very entertaining. "You are fake." Husk argues. "No duh." Angel replies. "At least try to be real!" Husk argues back. "You know if Alastor was here-" Angel gets interrupted by Vaggie kicking him. "Ow! What-" She nods over to you. You have your head down and the thoughts, memories, and much more rush to your brain. "Y/n, I am so sorry I-"

"It's alright Angel." You reply. "I am going to get something to eat. Anyone want to come?"

"I'm starved!" Angel says as he stands. You giggle and you both head to the kitchen. You walk to the refrigerator and pull out a wrap (Any kind). You walk over to the counter, setting it down. You are about to go back to the fridge when Angel stops you. "Here. It'll get your mind off of things."

"Angel, I don't drink."

"Your loss." You chuckle as you walk back to the fridge and pull out a drink. You and Angel walk back out to the main room. You both are out of the game, so you just sit on the couch, eat, drink, and spectate. "Move back five spaces." Vaggie reads. She moves back and Niffty rolls. "Six!" She moves forward six, the leader of the game. "You only need two spaces. Nice going Nif!" Angel high fives her. You love their relationship. For once you can see that Angel really cares about someone or something. He has a hard time here. All you want is to get him away from Val but every time you bring it up, he dismisses the subject.

Later that night you walk into your room. It feels empty and cold without Alastor. You have not seen him or heard him all day which worries you. You decide to change into a white, long sleeve cropped, shirt, and pink sweatpants. You also throw on some white socks and sneakers.

After changing you head back down to the main room

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After changing you head back down to the main room. No one is there but Husk who is passed out at the bar. So, no one is here. You pace around the room thinking of what to do. Go after him or stay? You also think about his reactions. Mad? Happy? Relived? You also think about the danger. Dangerous? Simple because of powers? You then start to question how powerful Vox, Val, and Vel are.

After pacing for about fifteen minutes, you slip out of the hotel, quietly and slowly shutting the door behind you. You take a breath and open a portal to the V headquarters. You look around to see if there is anyone or anything around you. You then take a breath and step through.

The portal closes behind you and you find yourself in Val's studio. As you walk to the conference room creepily and quietly, you hear shouting. The screams and squeals become louder as you get closer. You lean your ear against the door. "We had a deal. She stays here until we stop it." A deep voice says. You recognize it as Vox's. "We know it's you. That's enough." You think Lucifer says. You then open the door and walk in. Everyone stops shouting and looks at you. "Y/n! So glad to have you back!" Vox says as he walks over to you with open arms. "Um, no." You say as you try to back away. You bump into someone and turn around to find Alastor. "A word, dear." You gulp and follow him into the hall. He takes you far from the room and into yours.

He points to the bed, and you sit on it, fidgeting with your fingers. He walks over to you and crouches. "Why did you decide to come to a dangerous place like this?" His voice seems stern but soft at the same time. "You never came back. I was worried."

"Did you even come across the thought of how dangerous that is?" You nod. He raises a brow. "I did!"

"I believe you." He takes your hands in his. "This is not a place for you. It is not safe. I want you to stay here."

"So, ya done?" Vox says. Static fills the room as Alastor's eyes glow even more red than they already are. You get scared and try to back away, but his grip tightens. He then stands and turns to face vox. "Darling, go to the balcony, shut the door, cover your ears, close your eyes, and wait for me. You nod and rush out. You sit against the bright pink bars and did as he said. All you heard were screams and glass breaking. It lasts for what feels like eternity.

You feel hands on your wrists, and you squeeze your eyes even more. The hands slowly remove your hands from your ears. "Keep your eyes shut." The radio voice calls. You nod. "Open them." You open your eyes and find yourself tied to a wooden chair in a dark room. You try to break out. "It's no use my dear." The radio voice calls out. "W-what?!"

"Did you actually think you came to Hell because I wanted to be with you?" Alastor says as he steps into the light. Tears start to fall down your face. "Don't cry, darling." He says as he crouches in front of you. "I might end up enjoying this." You try to stop the tears. He walks to the table in front of you and walks back over to you. A crazed look on his face. He lifts your chin and smiles. "Welcome to Hell." He raises the knife, and you scream.

You sit up drenched in sweat. You clutch your head and brush the covers off of your knees. "What just happened?" You ask yourself. "Just a nightmare, darling." A voice calls out. You turn your head and find the man from your dream by your windowsill. "Ffffuck." You say.

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