Vox, Val and The Girl

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You wake up onto of a sleeping deer demon. You look at him and brush some hair out of his face. You love how peaceful he is in this state. When he's awake he's cold and dangerous. Considering he's the fucking Radio Demon, but when he's asleep, he's like a cute puppy. You lay your head back on his chest and place your hand on him. You can hear his heart beating steadily and you can feel his breaths on the back of your neck. He hugs you tighter and you know that he is either awake or he's dreaming. His head turns to the left. Yup, definitely dreaming. You laugh. You feel your phone buzz and you look at it. 

Girl the new episode was wild

Alastor and your character are together?! 

Plus I was in it to 

That's sick

Your eyes widen and you suddenly sit up. You shake Alastor awake, and pace around the room. He yawns and sits up, tucking one knee to his bare chest and keeping the other on straight out, while sitting up straight and using his left hand to keep him up behind him, and his right to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Darling, what time is it?"

"Time to freak out." You say as you continue to pace. Keeping the same position, he lifts his head slightly, and just enough to see you pacing. He places his right hand behind him like his left and lifts his head. His eyes follow you as you mumble things and panic. "I mean how is this even possible?!" You ask. "There are so many things that have happened that I did not want anyone knowing about!"

"I'm sure there's a simple explanation, dear."

"How long has this been going on?!" He stands and walks over to you. He places his hands on your shoulders to stop you from pacing and turns you around. "We will figure this out, but for now you need to relax." You place your head on his chest, and he lifts you, carrying you like he did last night. He walks over to the bed and sits on it. "Alastor?"


"I'm scared." You whisper. He pulls you back slightly so he can see your face and says, "We will figure this out together. Let's go find Charlie and everyone." You nod and get transformed into a new outfit. You have a grey shirt with black stripes and black sleeves that stop just above your elbow. You have black jeans and black and white converse.

Alastor changes into a red button up shirt with buttoned back sleeves that stop at his elbows, black dress pants, and black dress shoes

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Alastor changes into a red button up shirt with buttoned back sleeves that stop at his elbows, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. It's warm out so his overcoat will be too hot. 

You follow him down the stairs as you put your hair in a bun. You walk into the main room and sit on the couch, fighting with your fingers. "Toots, ya good?" Angel asks as he hops over the back of the couch next to you landing in a lounging position. "Alastor?" He asks after you don't answer. He walks over and sits next to you his right ankle resting on his left leg. "What happened last night and why is she acting like this?" Angel asks has he uses his hand in up and down movements. Charlie and Vaggie walk over and sit down. "Y/n? Are you okay?" They both look at Alastor. "What did you do?" Vaggie asks. "He didn't do anything." You say as you ball your hands into fists. "I got a message from my friend last night and apparently everything we do is being recorded." They look at you in confusion. You take your computer off of the coffee table and walk to the television, plugging it in. You go onto Prime Video and show them. "That's the hotel, and all of us." Charlie says. "Apparently someone or something is recording everything, then putting it on here." Alastor says as he looks around. You look around as well. There are no cameras in sight. "I can only think of one person who would do this." You say. Everyone looks at you in confusion. "Vox." You and Alastor say at the same time.

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