Mysteries of Love

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You spend the next two days pinpointing demons in Hell. Because the job was not finished, the deal with Vox and Val remains. Only Alastor moved in as well. He does not trust Val one bit and to be honest, it makes things more entertaining.

You sit at your desk with Alastor standing behind you. "This makes no sense. We have looked everywhere." You say, holing your head in one hand as you write. "We still have three more territories to look at." Alastor says as he rubs your shoulders. Your phone rings again. To no surprise it's Maia. You answer the call with a smile. "Hey!" You notice Alastor is right behind you. "Who's that? Oh my god is that, Alastor?!" She asks with widened eyes. You smile and out Al's head into view. "Hello darling." He says. "His microphone is set with the setting." You say as you place the phone down in front of you. Alastor kneels beside you. "So, how are things?" You ask. She smiles and says, "I wanted to hang out, but I don't know where you are."

"It's a mystery." You say smiling. Maia laughs. "So, I realized that our calls are in the show. Why?" You and Alastor exchange looks. "Because." You shrug. "Because why?"

"Alastor?" You ask him. "It shows her relationship with those out of Hell my dear."

"That." You say, pointing at him. She smiles and asks, "When do you get out? When will the show end?"

"That is for me to know but I would love to know the theories!" You speak. "Did you just copy my conversation with Zestial?"

"Maybe. But I tweaked it and made it better." You smile. "You are on a thin line, dear."

"Well," you say, Turing beck to Maia and clapping your hands. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Oh! Dylan misses you."

"Of course he does." You mutter. "Listen. Where is he?" She shrugs. "Also, Garrick is going crazy."


"Who knows." You look at Alastor. "Maia, can I call you in like an hour or so?" She nods and you hand up. "You don't think that..."

"Darling, I don't. But if you want to go and see, I can ask Lucifer." He says as he stands. "You need to rest. You have been working way too much." You nod as he kisses your forehead.

You lay in bed with Alastor against the headboard reading. You are facing the balcony. You decide to get up and walk out. "What are you doing, love?"

"Getting some air." You say as you put on a cropped white sweatshirt. "Or "air"." You say before walking out. You lean on the pink railing and take deep breaths. You feel arms around your waist. "How am I supposed to tell her?"


"Al it's not that- Lucifer!" You turn in his arms. You push him back and stare at him in shock. "What is going on?" Alastor asks. "Don't worry about it." Lucifer says. "Y/n?"

"I- I-" You teleport into another room. The conference room. You sit at the head of the table and cry, your head in the palms of your hands. "Darling?" You hear a radio like voice call out. You keep your head down. "My love what happened?" He sits next to you. He knows it's not the time to touch you. It's why you love him. He knows limits. "I- I'm sorry for this." You say as you wipe your tears. "Don't be. If you need to cry, then do so." You look at Alastor and then you look away. "I'm not going anywhere my love. We can stay here all night if needed."

"Hug." Is all you say. He takes the arm of your chair and rolls it closer to him. He picks you up, placing you on his lap. You sit on him facing the right. The right side of your face is brought to his chest. "I don't know what happened." You start. "I thought he was you and..."

"Shhhh. It's alright." You left your head from his chest and look at him. "No. No, I-it's not."


"No. I-"

"You pushed him away."


"No. I just want you to be safe." You smile as he brings your head back to his chest. "He is still alive right?" Alastor just laughs. "Killing the King would be fun. But I don't think I need the power just yet." Yet? Your eyes widen.

The next morning you walk into the conference room and find Alastor and Lucifer fighting. "I was helping her!"

"You did not need to put your hands on her!"

"She needed that!"

"Not from you!"

"Hey!" You holler. Everyone turns to you. "Drop. It. Now." You warn. "Topic is dropped." Lucifer says. You sit at the table and place your forehead on the tips of your fingers. Alastor places a cup of coffee in front of you and you look at him with a faint smile. You stir your coffee as your smile drops. Alastor places a hand on your back. "This is going to be a long day." You say as you continue to stir. He stops your stirring by placing a hand on top of yours. "We will get through this."

"I hope you're right."

You use red string on a bulletin board with photos of other demons. "This goes here. She was here. He was here. Scratch that. They were both over there..."

"What in the unholy Hell is that?" You hear Lucifer's voice behind you. Alastor stands and walk over to you. "I'm trying to find out who we haven't seen yet." You say as you continue to place and analyze the string. "There are still many places on the pentagram that have been unserched."

"I know but I'm making sure that we have not missed anyone."

"Y/n, you need to relax." You turn to face him, your eyes narrowed. "Try being me. Try being in my shoes."



"Breathe." Lucifer repeats. You take a breath, and he rubs your back. You put a thumbs up behind your back to tell Alastor it's okay. Alastor walks back to the desk and continues to read, looking up every five seconds. "I can feel you looking through my soul." Lucifer says as he slowly turns to have him. Alastor simply smiles and says, "Why not get to know my next victim." Lucifer's eyes widen, and he turns back to you. "I really want to know why you're dating him."

"I ask myself that every day." You mutter. "Don't tell him that." You whisper. "Darling, I heard that." You and Lucifer's eyes widen. "Run?" He asks. "Run." You both start running out the door. "Go! Go! Go!" You say as you run down the hall. You run around corners and into rooms, Alastor hot on your trail. You then come to the realization that he is not chasing Lucifer. He's chasing you. He catches up to you and grabs you from behind, pulling your back to his chest. "You're lucky I love you." He says as he kisses the top of your head. You giggle and turn in his arms. "That was fun! I may do that again."

"If you would like to experience Hell after Hell then be my guest." You laugh and place your head on his chest. This is what you missed. The feeling of security. The warm that radiates off of him. His jokes, puns, and comments that make you smile. The way he looks out for you and protects you. You finally understand love.

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