You are a human who lives a pretty normal, invisible, teenage life. You don't have many friends and you're always picked on. You live your life normally, yet you feel that someone is watching you. Is there? Are you in danger? Or is there more?
You walk down the street towards your next class. You feel as though you're being watched. But that does not make sense. You're surrounded by like fifty people who are also trying to get to class.
You walk into your AP class and sit by the teacher. You want to be away from Dylan as much as possible. You watch as he walks in and gives you a questionable look. You look down and away from him.
As class goes on you try and do pretty well at focusing. You write down notes and start your assignments. That is until you hear your worst nightmare and your number one cause of a panic attack. Well that you know of. "This is a lockdown. This is a lockdown." Your heart starts pounding and you run to the corner and into the closet. Dylan sits next to you, and you look away, curling yourself into a ball. Bang! Bang! Bang! Your eyes widen. This isn't a drill... this is... REAL! Your heart is now a jet, and you hear another bang. You turn and burry your face into Dylan's chest. Bang! Bang! Bang! You bawl your hands and cry into his shirt.
The closet opens and everyone gasps. You see a light and you look at the figure. "Y/n..." A hand is held out. Your vision is blurred by your tears, but you notice red on a pale body. You reach out your hand and stand, being pulled into an embrace. "Run." Is all you hear before you're out the door.
You run out of the building and down the street. You bump into someone. "Sorry."
"Do I know you?" You look at the man with fear. "N-no." You say as you try to back away. He pins you to a tree and you look for things to use for self-defense. You notice a dagger in his belt, and you take it and raise it to stab him. He catches your hand, takes the blade and slices your arm. Hot liquid spills down as you screech. He pins your arms above your head, your back is up against the tree bark. He slices your wrists, and you feel more hot liquid. "Help!"
"No one's going to help you little girl."
"Alastor!" You start to become lightheaded. "Alastor..." Black.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Gore Over! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
You jolt awake. You look at your arm and your writs, feeling your body to make sure you're alive. It's dark so you can't see your skin. Your breathing speeds up and you clutch your head. "Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you up?" A groggy voice says. The voice scares you and you push yourself against the headboard. You heart is going at light speed. You feel yourself being pulled into an embrace. You fight it but it's no use. The creature is strong, yet you still try. "Don't fight it darling." You hear the familiar radio voice, and you feel fingers stroking your back. Up down breathe. Up down breathe. You follow the pattern until you fall back asleep.
You wake up on something hard but moving. It's alive. You feel a hand on your back, one finger or thumb going up and down. Your eyes flutter open and you sit up. "What happened?"
"You seemed to have had a nightmare. I calmed you until you fell back asleep." You look at Alastor who is once again against the headboard, shirtless, reading a book. "Oh."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"I don't really remember anything." You lie. He closes his book and looks at you. "Alright then. I made a commercial for Charlie and I am showing it to her and everyone this morning." You nod and stand up. You open the curtains to get blinded by red light. You turn to see Alastor in his normal attire. He snaps his fingers and you're wearing a red off shoulder, long sleeve, cropped shirt, and black, non-ripped jeans.
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