|| The Deal ||

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 Alastor was laying down on the ground, blood gushing out of his mouth. Turning to his side letting out a small hiss like sound in pain. He felt his ears pin back as he pulled his hand to his mouth to try and stop the blood from leaking out. ' 'What was I thinking..? Am i cra- ' 'He couldn't even finish his sentence as more blood comes out of his mouth. ' ' Woah, what a slight. ' ' Lucifer chuckled seeing Alastor flinch by his presents, pausing before speaking once more. ' ' The "Most Powerful" overlord on the floor in pain. ' ' Lucifer popped out of nowhere really.., still in his demon form. Three wings on each side on his back, the sclera of his eyes where bright red as his iris were a light and soft yellow. Glaring down at the suffering and in pain overlord. ' ' What? Came for a Ⱡ₳Ʉ₲Ⱨ ' ' Alastor groaned, staring back at lucifer as his voice made static radio sounds, pulling himself together as he stand up. Wiping the black blood off his lips. Lucifer stared for while, a small laugh came out, as his eyes darkened before pulling out his hand. ' ' Bambi, I came to make a deal with you. ' ' Lucifer grinned, his bright white teeth are now showing to the red deer.  Alastor looked dumbfounded.. "Bambi..?" Alastor thought before shaking his head, and begin to speak, ' 'A deal? And why would the "king" himself want a deal with me? ' ' Pulling back that annoying huge smile of his, still in pain as he looked at the shorter king. ' ' Why, to help Charlie friend of course! ' 'He said obviously sounding sarcastic but it was not all a lie.. He did wanted to show his daughter he can help out with this crappy hotel. ' ' And what is this ĐɆ₳Ⱡ of yours? ' ' Alastor stared down at the shorter lad face, lowing down to his level. 

Lucifer seemed annoyed by the red deer doing such a act, now having his head look forward instead of up.' ' I help you with you're pain problem and you may have some of my blood ' 'He said through gritted teeth, still having a some what smile to his face. Alastor stood straight very interested in this deal.. He always was a cannibal by heart even when he was alive. But he never had a taste of Angel blood.. He was to say it short intrigued by the deal the shorter "Baked bean" was offering knowing there was some loopholes in this deal.. smiling so devilishly as he pulled his hand out, Lucifer smiled at that having a smirking like if HE won this game, He shaked Alastor hand. Alastor normally dark-red sclera now turning a bright red, His bright-red irises now becoming a lime green, and thin black pupils making a kind a odd shape that Lucifer didn't really thought of in the moment. Alastor let go of his hand while lucifer moves closer to the overlord, putting his hands onto the taller red deer's chests area making unknown gibberish. ' ' There, you should feel better in the morning ' ' The shorter male said looking up at the taller male. Alastor nodded still having his smile. ' 'Hehehehe, Let's go check on our dealing Charlie! '' The Deer shout, walking pass the King as he makes his way to the clearing of the hotel (The main area) seeing the cast. ' ' Where have you guys been?! Alastor are you alright?? ' 'Charlie yelled out, hurting Alastor ears little. ' ' My Dear, everything is fine. ' 'Alastor smiled at the  blonde hair female, patting her head before heading over to the bar to see Angel and husker, Leaving Charlie and Lucifer alone to talk.

' ' So dad what really with Alastor? ' ' His daughter asked looking rather curious at her father, They were both sitting on the couch. ' ' Oh nothing much, really. He was just injured and I "Helped" him ' 'The king himself grinned. Not 100% a lie so... ' ' Oh that very nice of you dad.. i'm happy you are giving this a shot and helping the staff ' 'Charlie smiled, her cheeks puffing out in happiness. Lucifer smiled, nodding his head to his daughter before feeling another presents nearby, moving his head to the side to see Vaggie walking pass him to hug her girlfriend and sit next to her staying quiet. ' ' Well dad, me and Vaggie  are going to head to sleep.. we see you tomorrow? ' ' The male nodded, standing up as he walked to the elevator, pushing the button now waiting, Alastor walked next to the short king... Lucifer lets out a loud and annoyed sigh as the elevator doors open. Alastor looked at Lucifer grinned '' Lady's first ' 'The red deer chucked. Lucifer rolled his eyes, too tired to deal with the demon nonsense as he walked inside the elevator followed by Alastor soon after. The doors closed now waiting for the demons to pick there floor number, Lucifer clicked the floor 5th floor, while Alastor smiled.. they both knew that they were on the top floor since they made there rooms custom on the last floor and they both know they are alone in that floor. Now its time for the waiting game. 

The elevator was now onto the 2 floor still going up but slowly.. guess Lucifer was at his peak of his energy so tired as he layed his body onto the elevator walls while Alastor watched, now they are on floor 4. seems like Lucifer passed out, Alastor is not sure how the demon was able to sleep standing but he didn't have time to question since they were now on the 5th floor, Alastor sighed before picking up the King over his shoulder like some bride, nearly made him laugh from the slight of the "king of hell" walking out of the elevator as he head to Lucifer room still looking at the demons oddly peaceful face. ' 'How can the most hated thing of creation be so peaceful.. ' 'The demon questioned quietly to himself before looking away to open the door, walking into the crowed room full of.... Ducks... ' 'Talk about having a addiction.. ' 'The Red deer hummed. He walked over to the bed still having the king in his arms as he layed him onto the soft duck theme bed. Alastor stared at the kings neck.. still remembering of the deal the two males made letting out a small and quiet chuckle as he walked out the room, looking behind him as he had one more look of lucifer face.. ' 'Sweet dreams...' ' The male smirked now closing the door completely. Walking off to his room opening the door then closing it. it was Dark but that didn't bothered the deer as he made his way to his desk turning on a seem old melody on his radio as he makes his way to bed. closing his eyes slowly. 

Darkness now taking whole

(1194 words!!  I hope you enjoyed this)

By the way for future chapters, if you don't understand

"Omg can he stop" this is in thought like when the character is thinking while

' ' Omg can he stop ' ' This is when the character is speaking fr talking

Any questions feel to ask ^^

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