|| Angels Blood ||

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  Lucifer woke up with drool on his pillow and sweaty from the heat, he let out a sigh. 

Sitting up on his bed blinking few times before standing up and walking towards his white and yellow theme bathroom. 

He turned on the water to a rather warm/cold like temperature, leaving the bathroom to get his clothes ready for the day which was not really his ever day were... It's something his daughter left him. 

A red oversized hoodie and some black pants. 

Didn't really fit his character but the poor duckling was to tired and hot to really care.

 He grabbed the clothes and his towel then head back to the bathroom, laying the towel and clothes on top of the closed toilet sit. 

Stripping off his clothes he lets out another sigh having such a huge hangover. 

He looked at the bathtub before putting his foot in the water then his whole body. 

Lucifer is no cat but if he was, he would so be purring with how lovely the water temperature was. 

Lucifer was more of a cold person then hot... surprising right?? 

Anyways he grabbed the lavender scent shampoo, rubbing it on his head before moving his head to the shower cap to wash the soap away. 

He then grabbed the body wash that his daughter Charlie have gave him which was strawberry scented. 

' ' Geez.. I'm going to be smelling like some weird fruit thing..' ' The king mumbled to himself as he put the body wash around his body.

30 Mins Later With The others

' ' Hey whisker. ' ' Angel Dust smirked having his butt basically out with the way his sitting. 

' 'Angel can you be any MORE annoying then what you already are? ' ' The wing demon cat asked, very much annoyed and looked like he was having a hangover also.

 Using his tail to bring out a cup for Angel, already knows what the white and pink spider wanted. 

Grabbing to drinks and mixed it in the cup before handing it to Angel dust. 

Charlie walked over to Alastor having a tired look before yawning, covering her mouth as she begin to speak ' ' Alastor.. have you seen my dad?' ' She asked, looking at Alastor huge smile...

 "jeez.. how can you smile this big in the morning.." the blonde thought before looking at Alastor once more wanting a answer. 

Alastor moved his head to the left then the right before looking back at Charlie, ' ' No i have not seen you're father, dealing ' ' Having a grin on his face like always. 

Charlie nodded before walking over to husker to get a coffee, since the demon cat was making some. 

Alastor would leak into the hotel floor before heading upstairs on the 5th floor, turning back into his red deer like form. Knocking on the kings door.

 ' 'What.. ' 'Lucifer hissed annoyed as the door was now open... 

Alastor looked at the king with a red like tint on his face seeing what Lucifer was wearing.

 ' 'What an... odd fit wear ' 'The deer pointed at the oversized hoodie that would most likely fit Charlie then him.

 ' ' I do know that this is different from what i wear all the time but Charlie gave them to me so I'm going to wear it ' '

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