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Today was the last day Alastor and Lucifer had time to be alone in the hotel, so they or well Lucifer decided to get some important stuff for the "welcome back" party he was planning for Charlie and her friends. 

Sure, Lucifer can just snap his fingers and make the stuff appear but that wouldn't be as fun, now would it?

' ' Al? You want to come with me to the party shop that's nearby? ' ' Lucifer asked with his ears moving ever so slightly, still not used to them yet. 

Alastor nodded his head. 

' ' Why of course, Mio caro ' ' 

Lucifer felt his cheeks flustered at the pet name that was given to him, sure Alastor calls everyone "My dear." 

But when said in a different language made Alastor sound rather... 


' ' Lovely, Let's go! We only have today since they will be back tomorrow.. i guess? ' ' Lucifer said that kinda sounded like a question, before he could make his way out the door Alastor put his hand on the kings shoulder. 

' ' Not dressed like that you are. ' ' The taller deer chuckled at the slight of the shorter male just wearing a long dark red shirt with black underwear that was not really noticeable due to how long the shirt was.

Lucifer lets out a sigh of annoyances, before nodding. 

' ' Alright fine, i get changed once I'm done you better be ready! The king dose not like waiting for slow deers! ' ' Lucifer yelled and giggled, running to his room. 

Leaving Alastor alone with his thoughts once more like always, just like how he likes it. 

Alastor rolled his eyes at the king's smart talk before he made his way to sit on the stool that was near the bar, Alastor didn't need to get dress since he already was. 

The taller deer was just plotting ways to see the king's cry's of fair just made the deer feel pleasure inside.

Many ways he can think of, but he needed a plan that could keep him alive, sure Lucifer did make a deal with the deer but it was not for his soul it was for his blood. 

And since it was just for the blood, Lucifer can easily break the deal if he wanted too. 

Only way Alastor could roam free is if he had Lucifer soul.. but he knew that the king is not THAT dumb, Alastor needed Lucifer to 

WANT him 

NEED him 

DESIRE him.. 

if he ever wants to even come close to the kings of hell soul.

Now that Alastor was thinking about it.. he barely even got to bite or lick the kings body for that pure golden Angel blood lately. 

He and Lucifer been to busy with the hotel or going out to finish up Charlie's " Bonding List " Still he needs to make up for him being so soft, that's not like him at all. 

Alastor knew that approaching Lucifer directly for his soul would be foolish and dangerous.

 Instead, he decided to employ his skills in deception and manipulation to seduce the king. 

Alastor wanted to break Lucifer he wanted to make sure that Lucifer knew his place, he wanted the shorter deer on his knees bowing to him. 

"Oh how lovely that would be!" The red deer thought, playing around with some clean towel that was sitting freshly on the bar table.

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