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Lucifer was still on his bed thinking while looking up at the ceiling that was theme a light patter of different kinds of ducks. 

"We can take it slow" This thought was around is head ever since Alastor left the room, ears pointed up and tail kind of hiding in his coat.

Lucifer stood up and begin to speak to himself. 

' ' I mean his not wrong... we can take it slow but a king!? with a overlord...? ' '

Lucifer sounded unsure.. well DUH! Who in their right mind would date someone who is not in the same power level.

Lucifer was going to be more deep in thought until he heard a knock on his door. 

He already knew who it was since well... they were the only ones here, but he made his way to open the door to see the taller red deer himself. 

' ' Hey dear! Would you like to see a movie with me within the hotel! ' ' 

"Seems like Alastor was back in his.. uhm.. Alastor ways? I don't know." The king thoughted before nodded his head in agreement. 

' ' Sure i don't mind, what type? ' ' Lucifer asked with his ears going forward showing signs of  being curious, which Alastor found adorable not sure why the shorter male would hide them. 

' ' We be watching horror! How lovely correct? ' ' Alastor asked, seeing Lucifer's ears flat against its head.

' 'Really... horror? ' ' Lucifer said trying to show he was annoyed but he was scared, odd right? King of hell scared of horror movies? 

But then again did you ever seen a king that was that short with rosy cheeks? No? Okay then.

' ' Why yes, my dear! Horror movies are lovely.. Well, Some! '  ' Alastor said with his normal dumb grin as he turned around walking to the living room of the hotel, but something caught Lucifer eye.

' ' Uh Alastor? Where's the T.V? ' ' The shorter deer asked, looking at a rather big tube TV.

 ' ' Dear, that's the tv! I made it bigger so the experiences would be more... appealing!! ' ' Alastor grinned.

 ' ' Alright. ' ' Lucifer hummed, making his way to the couch and laying his body down on it with his legs sitting crisscross.

Which Alastor laughed at. 

' ' Ughh... What movie are we going to watch? ' ' The shorter deer groaned, irritate already by the male in red.

' ' Hmm...The Exorcist! ' ' This made Lucifer looked at Alastor in a worried way.

' ' Right.. ' ' He nodded, seeing Alastor go get some snacks, blankets, then he used one of his shadowy clone to put the movie on and turn off the lights as he sits with Lucifer. 

As the movie start, Lucifer was basically hiding in the blanket that Alastor kindly bought.

Lucifer ears were still flat on to his head, so scared on some parts of the movie. 

Alastor moved closer to the shorter deer. 

' ' It's okay, my dear. If you need to hold my hand go ahead ' ' Alastor said while holding his hand out to Lucifer, Alastor was trying not to laugh at Lucifer because why was the king of hell scared of some movie? 

Oh Lucifer did not just grab his hand no, no, no.

He literally jumped on top of the mans lap, shaking like if he can't destroy anyone in the movie.

' ' Woah there! ' 'Alastor said little surprised by the kings actions before calming down as he puts his arm around the shorter deer.

Alastor ears twitch by having this warm comfort on his stomach. 

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