|| Alastor. ||

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' ' Hello, Luci! ' ' The tall female smiled, saying her line again obviously annoyed this time. Her long blonde hair flowing within the air that came here and there. Lilith was wearing a beautiful black dress with white sparkles popping out.

' ' Hi Dear.. ' ' The shorter king waved his hand, cringing with how he sounded. Also nervous but rather shocked to say the less. While Alastor on the other hand just had his huge smile tighten as he makes eye contact with the Queen of hell.

Lucifer didn't really notices the two taller demons having a eye contest. He was thinking too much, many questions in his head. "Why was his wife here?" "Why now??" "What would Charlie think?"

His thoughts were cut off by a hand grabbing onto his shoulder, making his eyes look back at the beautiful tall women that was his "wife"

' ' My dear what's the matter? ' ' Her voice purred within her throat having an huge grin on her face seeing the shorter deer shocked look.

Of course Lilith knew about Lucifer shape shifting, hell! He shape shifted to be a snake when they first met. This was no different.

However the fluffy deer ears did make her face twitch in some type of disgusted, the ears made her think about the other deer in the room that she made a "Deal" with.

This thought made her look at Alastor with a glare of hatred towards the taller male. That was all cut off-

' ' Lilith, why are you even here.. ' ' The shorter blonde asked, pushing her hand away from his shoulder. Moving back little to be side by side with Alastor.

' ' Why to be with our daughters of course! ' ' This made Lucifer and Alastor eyes twitched before Alastor could speak Lucifer beat him to the punch.

' ' You mean daughter, right..? ' ' He asked, his hand making his apple cane appear. Tapping each finger on the apple with sweat dropping down his jaw dropping face.

' ' No, i mean daughter's ' ' She said sternly, that's was when a young girl came in she looked little like Charlie, but without the red cheeks in her face. Her hair was little shorter but other than that...

' ' Who.. is that..? ' ' He asked, his ears was moved backwards kind of pinning in a way.

Alastor was just shocked, his eyes wide but still with his smile tighten ever so slightly. He was unsure how this was going to play out.. but lets hope things will go his way Eventually. 

 His arms crossing around his back with the radio like cane on his left hand. Watching this event play out. Sure, Alastor did found this rather... entertainment and would LOVE to keep watching. However Lilith has other plans. 

' ' Hi! I'm Esmeralda Magne! I'm you're daughter! ' ' She smiled, her hair flowing as she was now beside her mother having a smile that oh so reminded him of his Charlie. 

' ' Dear, Get to know you're lovely daughter while I talk to Alastor for while. ' ' Lilith smiled perfectly mostly.. too perfectly? God,  Lucifer was just to much in shock to say much. And before he would even mumble his words or well anything he wanted to say. Alastor and Lilith was already gone.. Leaving him and his.. uhm.. other daughter? In the main area alone.

' ' So dad...? May we go sit somewhere and talk? '' She asked nervous by the staring eyes by her father. This made Lucifer eyes blink, Of Couse one of an time. 

' ' Ah! Yes yes! Follow me. ' 'His outburst made Esmeralda body twitch little, she was not used to other demons being so ecstatic like her. But then again she was raised by her strict and serious mother. 

No matter

The two walked into the dining table, siting down on the two seats that were next together. Lucifer was obviously still shorter when it came to his secret daughter, guessing they took their height from Lilith. ( Obviously.. )

' ' So Esmeralda, correct? How are you? ' ' His voice soft, eyes lowered with his ears twitching with each spoken word asked to the female. 

Esmeralda smiled at the twitching ears, she thought it was pretty cool that her father could shape shift to other animals.. but she didn't understand why he would pick a deer ears and tail? Maybe just trying to look like the other deer in red she saw only for few moments.

' ' I'm doing pretty well! I have a white and purple male cat called Remy ' ' Her voice showing an hint of joy when speaking of her cat.

' ' Oh. my. God. WE HAVE A CAT TOO! ' ' His ears pointed up high and teeth showing when he grinned. 

' ' But her name is kee-kee! Black and white cat ' ' His voice sounded like a purr.

Esmeralda smiled in glee, her eyes lighting up.


Maybe she could get used to this.

Meanwhile with Alastor and Lilith 

In a moment of blind fury, Lilith lashed out at Alastor with a vicious blow, her hand striking him across the face with a force that left him reeling.

 Alastor staggered back, stunned by the sudden violence of her attack. 

He could hardly believe that Lilith, the one he made a deal with, layed a hand on his skin. Now he knows how Husker felt at this exact moment.

As he lay there, pain thundering through his body, Alastor felt a wave of despair wash over him.

 He realized then that his feelings for Lucifer was being tampered by the queen of hell.

With a heavy heart, Alastor rose to his feet and faced Lilith once more, his eyes filled with anger that burned as brightly as the flames of the underworld.

Through he was quiet, silent even. His smile still laying on his face made lilith more mad at the deer in red.

' ' Your job was just to make my daughter happy, not go off with my husband trying to get with him. ' ' She hissed, her hand on her hips while glaring at the deer. 


That all Alastor was offering.

That was until he felt a pulling around his neck, he hissed in pained as a glowing purple like chain collar wrapped around his skinny neck. Lashing him on the ground.

He tried to pull away but was immediately pulling forward.

' ' Do you really want me to.. BREAK your soul apart... Dear. ' ' 

Her face looked demonic, as she laid her long fingers over Alastor chin. Forcing him to look her way.

' ' I- ' ' 

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