|| Rosie ||

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                                                          With Alastor 

Alastor was making his way to Cannibal town, to see his lovely friend and associate Rosie. 

While making his way to the town he was hearing many people in the town munching on either human fingers or something of that source since well.. 

it was a "Cannibal" town.

 Rosie may act like a sweet heart to Alastor and maybe to some of his friends ( Like Charlie ) but Alastor describes her as a "dear, charming and dangerous" person who he loves to spend time with, but dangerous indeed she was. 

He made his way to Rosie's Emporium where they mainly sell cannibalistic treats and foods for the denizens of and sold clothing based on the 1910s theme of the town. 

Odd huh? 

Well, not for Alastor or Rosie! (or any demons in the town) 

As the demon made his way inside the Emporium he was met with the Darling herself, talking to one of her customers before looking to at Alastor.

' 'Oh my stars. Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence! ' ' The Overlord said now noticing Alastor's presence and was ecstatic to say the less.

 Making her way over to hug the man in red. 

Due to her rather lanky stature, she is slightly taller than Alastor. 

Alastor hugged her back before pulling away. ' 'Rosie, I came here for a little chit chat! ' ' 

Alastor said looking at the overlord. ' 'Of course, Alastor Dear! ' '

Rosie complied with Alastor before looking at one of her staff.

 ' 'Take over for me while i speak to a friend of mines, love. ' ' The staff nodded as the Two overlords makes it to Rosie's private room.

 Now sitting on the couch that was in the room.

' ' So what's wrong dear? ' ' The Female asked, looking at Alastor with eyes that are pitch-black with no irises or pupils. 

Alastor lets out a rather annoyed sigh before speaking to her about his problem. 

' ' Rosie.. What wrong with me? Like i keep feeling thing's I don't normally feel? ' ' He said.. well kind of sounded like he was unsure which he was. 

Rosie titled her head looking at the male in such distress.. she never noticed this at first when Alastor first came in, but then again he was always good at hiding emotions. 

' ' What ever do you mean Alastor, What kind of feelings? ' 'Rosie asked wanting to help the overlord. 

Alastor looked little worried before nodding his head then started to speak. 

' 'Like.. I feel like my stomach is dancing..? or twisting when i think of this person. But! i hate this person too?? ' 'The Overlord sighed looking at Rosie, while she got up rather quietly now facing Alastor.

 ' 'Seems like you got some Romance Problems! And it's my specialty! C'mon, dearie, details, details ' '

Alastor looked confused as he looked up at Rosie before shaking his head.

 ' 'Goodness, No. I would never date that.. not that i ever really dated before! ' ' 

The radio demon said while standing up now as well still looking Confused but shocked too.

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