|| Bonding..? ||

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        As Lucifer and Alastor clean up the mess that was left by the group they gave each other glances here and there, mostly from Lucifer. 

Oddly curious of the overlord. 

That was until Alastor made his way to Lucifer, invading his space. 

' 'You know, ' ' Alastor hums, fingers tracing down Lucifer's jaw, and hand settling comfortable around the king's throat. 

Lucifer was shocked by this, his cheeks are a paler shade of red but now turning into a more brighter shade of red.

 ' ' Woah now! getting a bit touchy aren't we, Al? ' 'The King said embarrassed by his tone of voice, made him sound pretty pathetic. 

Alastor looked at the shorter and shy king below him, leading Alastor to chuckle moving his hand from the king's throat. 

Alastor didn't say anything, his form disappeared into a black shadowy pit and reformed behind Lucifer laying his hand on the shorter male shoulder.

' ' EK! ' ' Lucifer yelped in surprised, turning around to fast which lend him to fall on his butt while the taller male was laughing.

 ' 'Hell was that for?! ' 'Lucifer yelled out. 

' 'How nothing, my dear! But since we are done with cleaning up the table Charlie gave me some things we can do together! Ha ha! It's one of her "Bonding list" things. 

Since she wants us to bond! i guess! ' ' The charming deer yelled out to the king that was still on the ground.

 ' ' Bonding list..? Char-Char never told me about a list..? ' ' Lucifer said now standing back up on his feet, as Alastor had the list in his hands now. 

Lucifer sighed since of his height he can't see the list, making him stand on his tippy toes and hold on Alastor arm to look.

 Making Alastor simper at the slight, seeing the king having to be on tippy toes and holding his arm was too good to not laugh. 

But he kept it in.

' ' Dinner? Ice cream? Fishing? What the hell is this?! ' ' The king shout annoyed by the list that was given to him and Alastor. 

Leading Alastor to pin his ears by the loud shout Lucifer gave. 

' ' It be fine, but sadly i have a meeting to attend to before we can do thing... bonding that was given to us. ' '

 That caught Lucifer attention as he looked up at the taller deer now. 

' ' Meeting? ' ' He asked, with his big eyes that could kill with how cute he was at the moment. 

' ' Yes a meeting my dear, it's something that all Overlords go to. ' ' Alastor shrugged at the through of the meeting. 

' ' May i go? ' 'He asked, still staying on his tippy toes with his both of his hands still on the taller male arm.

This made Alastor think, "Him? Go? To an overlord meeting..?" He thought, not 100% sure if it was the idea but Hell! 

He was Alastor, he loved little drama in this sick and boring life that he lived in.

 ' ' I don't see why, but you would need a disguise since well.... having the King of hell in an overlord meeting is not the best thing for many in the room.' '

 He laughed, but he was right. Having the king of hell in a room of overlord not the best thing since it like having a teacher in a table with kids who likes talking about drama. 

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