part 26

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y/ns pov:

when i hung up the phone, i felt very weak. baby spencer was asleep, charlotte (my mom) must've of fed him. i heard noises upstairs and it was steven and charlotte. i pretended to be asleep, and either steven or charlotte opened the basement door and seen i was asleep. then, they shut the door. i heard another door close and they were having sex, yuck. i tried to remain quiet and try to drown out the sounds of them. then, i went to sleep.


"are we almost there?" spencer said.

"yeah, we're three minutes out." JJ said.

"what does this address even mean?" tara said.

"this used to be where y/n and her family lived. when y/n was just born, her parents were saving up for a bigger house, the house where y/n killed her brother." luke said.

"did you go there when you were younger?" matt said.

"yeah, i was one or two at the time but i remember it because charlotte let me hold y/n but jack took her from me." luke said.

"that's probably when his obsession with y/n started." emily said.

"when she was a baby?" rossi said furrowing his eyebrow.

"some sociopaths and rapists stalk their victims when they're little, and when they're older they rape them." spencer said.

"we're here guys. emily, turn off the sirens so they can't hear us. and shut the doors gently." rossi said.

"JJ, spencer, and tara, go around back. me, rossi, matt, and luke will stay up front." emily said.

JJ, spencer, and tara circle around back. matt busts open the door. the old house is pretty big.

"shit! the police is here! steve, run downstairs and get y/n and the baby, now!" charlotte says.

steven runs downstairs and turns the light on.

"grab the baby and let's go, now!" he says yanking you.

you grab baby spencer and follow steven upstairs.

"put the baby down and come over here." your mom said with a gun in her hand.

you put baby spencer down and he cries. they all heard and rushed in. spencer ran in first because he heard his son crying. and that's when they seen. your parents. alive. and you with a gun to your head.

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