19. Sophie's POV

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After explaining to Keefe about Tiergan entering her mind, and the Enhancement, Sophie got to the part she was dreading.

"... and Tiergan was gone. He had gone to Eternalia." Sophie paused, not wanting to continue.

"Okay, Foster, I'm guessing this is the part where you and Fitz talk it out, cause from the super strong emotions that I'm feeling right now, you really don't want to relive it. So don't. I don't need to know all of your Fitzy drama. I just really need to know one thing: are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Keefe. It actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but it was still bad. I... really should just show you my memory of it."

"Is it going to involve a lot of Fitz yelling and you crying and me wanting to slap Fitz?" Keefe cracked his knuckles, and Sophie smiled. Although he sounded serious, Sophie knew he was trying to lighten up the mood.

"Can I enter your mind?" She asked her jokester of a boyfriend.

"Yeah, come on in." Keefe shifted so that he was directly facing Sophie, saying, "So that you can do your 'stare into my eyes' thing."

Sophie opened her mouth to correct him, then shut it. She didn't need to stare into his eyes to look at his memories, and Keefe knew it. But... it didn't sound so bad right now.

Sophie put her fingers on Keefe's temples and pushed into his mind. "Ok, here's the memory." Sophie projected the memory from her mind into Keefe's.

It started right after Tiergan leaving, with Fitz saying, "So, you and Keefe are official now?"

"Ok, I'm already not liking Fitz at this moment. He said it with so much hate." Keefe wrinkled his nose at the memory of his best friend.

"Just watch, Keefe. We can talk about it later."

Memory Sophie answered Fitz's question. "Why wouldn't we be? We're together, you know that, and so why wouldn't we tell our friends?"

"I don't know, Sophie, maybe because something huge just happened and it's a total distraction!"

"Do you think I don't know that? Do you think I'm getting any sleep, stressing over what to say, what to do, how to not be distracted?! They're my problems too, Fitz, and a lot of them require me to solve them! Keefe and I only decided to come out to the group because we're trying to be transparent! I have to keep so many secrets, and it feels like I'm cutting myself off from the rest of our friends! So when me and Keefe talked about it, I realized that if I can't tell my friends about this one simple, harmless thing, then when they find out, they'll just feel betrayed and lied to again! I don't want to do that to them, and with something like this, it doesn't matter that much. Yes, it's a distraction, and I understand that! I am trying my absolute hardest to not let it be! So I just need you to trust me in saying, 'I got this!'"

"I-um-" Fitz seemed to be at a loss for words at Sophie's outburst.

"We have ten minutes until the end of session, so I'm leaving. I'll see you... whenever." Sophie turned on her heel and walked to the door, grabbing her bag with her telekinesis.

"Sophie, wait!" Fitz ran over and grabbed her arm.

"I'm sorry."

Then, he let her go and walked out the door in front of her. Sophie stood there for a moment, letting what Fitz said sink in, then started walking towards her locker.

The memory ended.

After a millisecond of Keefe sitting there, speechless, he exclaimed, "That was amazing, Foster! You standing up to Fitz like that?! Good for you!" He gave Sophie a huge hug, but when Sophie pulled back, she pulled him in for a kiss.

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