38. Keefe's POV

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"Where am I?"

Keefe asked for the millionth time. His hands ached from the thick rope they were tied in, and his head still hurt from the drug he'd been given earlier. Had it been days? Hours? Keefe couldn't tell.

He was in a dark, unlit room, with rocky looking walls and floors. He hadn't been given any food. Keefe had no way of knowing how long it'd been.

Nothing. No movement, no shuffling of feet, not so much as a breath in Keefe's surroundings. Yet, Elysian's voice rang clear in his head.

For the last time, she said, and seemed to mentally sigh. I am not going to tell you.

"What did you tell Sophie?" Again, a constantly repeated question. It was one of a few things on Keefe's mind: where was he, how could he get out, and what was happening to Sophie.

Again, I am not at liberty to tell you.

Keefe sighed. He was hungry, and tired, and scared. A little for himself, sure, but mostly for Sophie.

Keefe opened his mouth to say some not-so-nice things to Elysian, but she interrupted.

Stop asking questions. I've no doubt someone will be here for you soon. Whether it's what I asked or a rescue will decide if you live or die. Now shut up. Now.

The venom in Elysian's voice made Keefe's words die on his tongue.

Scared, but feeling rebellious, Keefe directed a thought at Elysian, who's presence he could still hear in his mind.

What time is it?

You really don't care about your well being, do you? Elysian asked. Fine. It's 11:15. You decide which one.

Actually, I know what it is. Keefe smirked, even though Elysian probably couldn't see it. You're a bit old-timey, being thousands of years old and all. More than likely, you use military time. If it was nighttime, there's a high chance you would have slipped up and said 23:15, but you didn't. So it's 11:15 in the morning.

Elysian was silent. In fact, Keefe didn't feel her in his mind at all.

"Darn it." He said aloud to himself. "She didn't even hear me."

Keefe went back to sulking.

I can't believe I let her take me.

I can't believe I didn't see it coming.

I can't believe I was so stupid.

As always, Keefe's thoughts then turned back to Sophie.

What would she do?

She would use her insane telepath powers to figure out where she was and call for help.

Then Keefe realized that, like him, Sophie would not have her abilities. Elysian's Silencing was blocking them for Keefe and would do the same for Sophie.

Keefe's mind kept trailing off. He was so tired. He hadn't slept at all since he'd been taken, which meant it had been over a day since he had last gotten any rest.

Keefe took yet another look at the room around him. There had to be something, anything, to give him even the smallest indication of where he was.

Tan rock floors. Red rock walls. Long stalactites hanging from a smooth stone ceiling, keeping a constant pitter patter of water dripping down.

Right there, at that moment, Keefe wished he was a Hydrokinetic. He could probably use that water to figure out where he was somehow. It was something Linh would do.

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