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Aries' POV
📍Malik's Crib

We walk around the room confused as to what tf happened. We walk into Maz's bedroom finding him and Jamir cuddled up on the bed . We hear Maz sniffling, he alive. Good.

Relived, we turned to back away but I accidentally stepped on a piece of glass. The cracking sound must've shook up Maz, waking him up. Maz, being a light sleeper and all, looked up to see us standing there.

"¿Qué están haciendo todos aquí?"Malik said in a sleepy voice. " we came to check up on yo crazy ass . What the hell happened here?" Saint whisper yelled. Malik then turned to look at Jamir then turned and looked back to us and said "holon". He got up and limped past us towards the living room.

We followed him into the living room, where he sat on one of the kitchen island chairs. We scanned his body to make sure he ok and noticed a few fresh bruises and cuts. Noticing what we was doing, he sighed and started to tell us how it went down.

" I thought I saw him aight....I blacked out for a moment and all I could see was that grimy ass nigga." Malik said looking down at his bruises and cuts."Jamir tried to calm me down but that ain't work.

We ain't even make it to the bathroom until he put me in a headlock and dragged me there. Ay dios mio. I hate what that pendejo has done to me. I couldn't even think straight. I thought I was over it but after seeing him again...after so long. I-I cou-" Saint stopped Maz talking by giving him a hug and telling him it wasn't his fault.

Me and Harlem joined in the hug and we all kinda stood there as Maz cried in our arms for what felt like a long ass time. We were interrupted by Jamir rushing outta the bedroom calling Maz. "Baybay! Malik!" He yelled. " In here papi" Malik groggily replied whilst wiping away his tears.

Jamir came running down the hallway and came to a stop once he saw us surrounding Malik. He breathed a sigh of relief whilst placing his hand on his chest to help even out his breathing.

I scan Jamir up and down as he looks at Maz with relief. "Thank God, you all right baby" he said. I wince as I notice his black eye and bruised nose. "Damn, I know that shi hurts" I said flinching. "Sure as hell does" Jamir said chuckling tryna light up the gloomy mood.

"Papi, I'm real sorry . Por favor, perdóname aii" Malik said sniffling whilst putting his hands up in a prayer motion. " It's aii baby don't fret. Imma make sure I rush you to the bathroom next time instead of sitting us on the couch." Jamir replied smiling. " Imma work on it . I promise" Malik said facing all of us. " This ain't gon happen again . I promise" Malik added.

I sigh, knowing otherwise. " Maz, it's all good. We gon be here for you no matter what aii" I said . " Now let's clean this shit up" Harlem said rubbing his hands together. "Nah, let's do that tomorrow." Saint said yawning. " Y-Yh , the bedrooms are fine cause I ain't make it in there." Malik said, lightly laughing as he rubbed the back of his head.

Thank God , I thought. Cause I wasn't planning on sleeping on the floor or drive back home . I'm too tired for that shi. "Aii , well imma go to sleep night niggas" Harlem said as he made his way into his room.

He turned around and said "tomorrow we gon' talk about this" whilst motioning his hand towards the mess in front of us " then we gotta talk about Saint's lil thang" he added smirking.  "Mmcht , go to sleep nigga" Saint said mugging Harlem.

"Yh-" I was interrupted by Maz's loud ass yawning,  " Yh, we gotta talk about that cause ion know bout her". He said. " Maz you knew" I asked. He hummed in response saying " I had to force it outta him yesterday".

Feeling tired, I nodded before saying "Imma go sleep now. Night niggas and Jamir, please don't fuck him. I need my beauty sleep aii, this don't just come natural" whilst circling my face.

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