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Omniscient POV

"I'm gay!" Malik exclaimed flinching. His eyes were shut, scared he was gon' open them and see disgusted looks across his friends' faces. "Oh we know." Aries said picking his nose looking unbothered. "Mmcht" Saints says as he smacks the back of Aries' head. " This fool" Harlem says as he shakes his head.

Malik opens his eyes slumping his shoulders, feeling defeated. " Whatchu mean u know?" Truth is Malik been preparing himself for this moment for weeks . Since young, he had this lingering feeling that he liked other boys but didn't know what it really meant, it was something about them that made his heart skip a beat.

After a little digging in magazines, staring at guys' swim shorts at the local pool and exploring channel 999 after 10 , he realised he had a thing for other boys and since he was going to high school he had to let his boys know befo' they found out some other way.

"It was pretty obvious, plus I saw you watching gay porn on the TV at night some time back" Saint said shrugging his shoulders. " yh yh , and that time at the pool when you couldn't stop staring at boys' shorts" Aries added. "and the gay magazines under yo bed , it was pretty easy to add it up" Harlem pointed out,nodding.

"W-What? H-How? but... urgh then nevermind" Malik said feeling defeated. " Can y'all at least pretend that you didn't know?" Malik said. "oh and act angry too" he added.

" YOU GAY , NIGGA?!! WHAAAAT!!" Aries exclaimed while clutching his chest falling his back onto the coach.. "GAY? FUCKUMEAN GAY?" Saint exclaimed as he stood up and began pacing around the room. Harlem slammed his hands on either side of the coach and got up pretending to storm out " I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT! "

" I can't be FRIENDS WITH NO HOMO" Aries said with his hands over his face as he dramatically spread across the floor. "MY OWN BROTHER? NOOOO!!" Saint clutched his chest with one hand and ran his fingers through his hair as he slowly descended a wall. Harlem stormed back in with his hands in his hair shouting " WHY GOD? WHY ? WHY HE HAD TO CATCH THE GAYBO VIRUS???WHYYYYY???"

"Aii! Aii Enough"  Malik said laughing. They all started laughing uncontrollably and made their way back to the couch. "I love you guys" Malik said as his hands extended around his friends shoulders. " Woah, this, is for the ladies. " Aries said as he circled his body. Malik smacked the back of his head laughing "Shut up Aries".

"What's with all the noise?" Roman asks as he walks into the living room. The boys look at each other nervously and start to panic. Roman's expression changes from happy to suspicious. "What did y'all lil niggas do now?". They all begin to stutter as they look at each other to come up with something.

Growing with frustration, Roman grits his teeth "Spit it out now" Malik looks at the boys with a sad expression before standing up and walking towards Roman. Roman folds his arms as he looks down at the smaller playing with his shirt looking nervous. "Spit it out Maz"

" I-I can't" Malik shakily said , his eyes watering up. If his Dad found out, what if he disowned Malik? What if he was abandoned again? " Unc, please don't do this" Saint pleaded. " Please Uncle Roman" Aries and Harlem added.

" Spit it out Maz. Now" Roman said ignoring the boys' pleas. The boys went over to hold Maliks hand and each gave him nod of encouragement. "Spit it ou-""IM GAY!" Malik blurted out. They all flinch and shut their eyes. " That's all? I know." Roman replied with a monotone voice unfolding his arms.

"What?!" The boys each opened their eyes in shock with Malik being the most surprised. " S-s-so you ain't gon shoot me or kick me out cause I'm gay" Malik shyly said. " Of course not son, you're my boy. I would never do that to you, I luh you too much to care about stupid shi like that. Ion care who you love just as long as they treat you right" Roman said. " Really? Gracias papá!" Malik said as he hugged his Dad. The boys all hugged Roman .

They pull away and Aries asks " So Uncle Roman, how you know?" "Yh? " Malik questioned. " Well, it was pretty obvious, but it became clear ah hell when yo ass kept staring at boys' swim shorts at the pool last week" Roman says shrugging. " Knew it was obvious" Aries says laughing. " Damn..." Malik says hiding his face in embarrassment. They all start laughing, enjoying each others' presence.

The group managed to finish elementary school, and after an eventful summer filled with pranks, exploration, and adventure, they found themselves preparing for the biggest change of their young lives: the first day of high school.

"Get y'all asses down here!" Roman yelled upstairs. "Coming!" the boys yell. Aries and Harlem spent the night at Roman's. The boys came rushing down and ran into the car.

Roman shook his head as he locked the door and made his way towards the car. He was about to pull off when he noticed something in his rear mirror. "Is that my chain luh nigga?" Saint turned away and looked out the window. "No"

"Mmcht, gimme my shit boi". Saint took off Roman's Cuban link and handed it to him , not daring to make eye contact. "Ooo he stealing" Aries instigated. "Told you he would notice" Malik said shaking his head. Rolling his eyes, Roman pulled off and headed towards the school.

"Here" Roman said as he handed the boys 10$ each. Aries looks at his hand and back up at Roman " 10$? Cmon unc, I gotta impress the ladies, run me 20$. Pleaseeee" Aries pleaded putting on his best innocent smile. That earned him a smack on the head and a large cup of Hell nah.

" Cmon y'all , let's go!" Malik says. The boys run up towards Malik and wave their goodbyes towards Roman. " Bye unc" "Adiós papá!" " Have fun boys and behave !" Roman replies waving back.

After finding their way to their homeroom and struggling through first, second and third period, the boys finally made their way to the cafeteria for lunch. " That was hell" Harlem huffed " What the hell was that? " Malik added. "Gahdamn, what the hell even is a calculus?" " Forget that, did y'all see how tall the older kids were? What the hell they feeding these niggas" Saint questioned with his face in his hands.

" Yh yh, they were big as hell. I bumped into one and almost broke my neck looking up at them." Malik said. " I wanna go home" Harlem muttered. "Same man, all the girls made fun of my hair. I thought the girls would like my luscious locs" Aries added shaking his head.

The boys were interrupted by the arrival of a group of seniors. " Ayo, this my seat." Shaking in fear , they each slowly turn around and look up to see 4 tall ass niggas staring down at them. "Mama" Aries whispered. " Oh no" Saint said. " Ah shit" Harlem added. "Wow. U fine" Malik said whilst staring at the one in front.

The boys quickly whipped their heads to look at Malik. Each had a face reading 'has this nigga lost his damn mind?'

"What?" the one with the locs said smirking, tilting his head to the side. "Huh? huh?" Malik said looking around nervously, just realising what tf he just said. "What? What?" the boys added in attempt to gaslight the older boy.

"Nah, did this lil nigga just call u fine? He a f*g or sumin" a boy behind him said pointing at Malik. " Stfu nigga" the one with the locs replied shutting the other up. He turned back to Malik saying " Thank you. My name Tyrik. What's yours?".

Malik let out a shocked sigh before straightening up. " My name Malik but everybody call me Maz" . " Cute." Tyrik said whilst eying the younger up and down. Malik blushed and looked down. " Since y'all new and all, imma let you sit here for today. Aii" The boys nodded in response thanking the taller. "And you, Maz. I'll see you around aii" Tyrik said winking before turning around and walking away with his friends.

"Ay dios mío. I'm in love" Malik said melting in his seat. " Yh...nah" "Mmm Nah" "Yh hell nah". The others said. "Sumin off" Harlem added "Yh hella off" Aries said, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "Man hush, you just mad cause no one like those spaghetti strings on yo head" Malik huffs as he turns to the table and finishes his meal.

" Mmcht, fuck you" Aries grumbled. "Unc said my hair look fire". " He right tho Maz, hay algo en ese tipo que no me sienta bien." Saint said. " Sólo te sientes así porque acabas de conocerlo. Voy a conocerlo y ver.You never know." Malik says blushing as he twirls his pasta, thinking about his new crush.

" Helloo, what y'all saying? Y'all know we can't speak Spanish rih?" Aries said folding his arms pouting. Harlem nodded in agreement. Saint and Malik shrugged, laughing, "Learn then."

Alllrightyy, so THIS is how the two met. If Malik so in love here,  wtf happened? 🙈

Hope y'all enjoyed that lil sneak peek into the past. Please like, comment and voteeee. 💗

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