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Harlem POV
📍Santos' Trap

Me and Aries sat at the end of the table, opposite the head and his right hand, the Santos brothers, Luis and Javier. The Spades and Santos feud goes way back, even before Uncle Roman and them. I remember being 15 and a war breaking out after Unc took over the part of the Bronx. We couldn't go to school for months.

"What's this I hear that you broke into our warehouse?" Javier spoke out and said. He had a strong Spanish accent. I was about to reply when Aries said " If y'all handed the details over we wouldn't have had to" I watch as Luis jaw clenched, "sixteen of our men were killed by you" Javier says as he points at me. I shake my head to disagree. "I killed five. Don't get it twisted. The rest were killed by Jakari and his men"

Luis banged his hands on the table in anger. He quickly composed himself "Ojo por ojo, chicos. Te llevaste a cinco de mis hombres. Así que, debo tomar sus vidas." The men behind him pulled out their guns ready to shoot.

These niggas can't shoot. They made a pact with us. If they shoot, it'll be an all out war and trust they 'on want that. Me and Aries sat in silence as Luis stared at us. This shit boring as fuck. Rolling his eyes, Aries broke the silence.

"Anyway, that heroin Jakari and his gang stole from y'all was gon be used to get people mad hooked so he could take over ." I spoke. "So what? It'll be better once you're gone"  Javier said. Aries scoffed "y'all know he gon start with the Bronx , and most definitely come for y'all after you killed his lil boy"

I notice Luis' jaw clenching, he signalled for the ones behind him to lower their guns . "It wasn't his" "How you know?" Aries said smirking. Javier interrupts " Suficiente. ¿Qué es lo que quieres? ¿Un trato?" " I would prefer y'all dead but that could work." Aries said. I break my silence "A war gon break out soon. Danos tu lealtad e información sobre los mercados negros de Colombia y México y te daremos a nuestro narcotraficante en Rusia."

Luis rubs his chin thinking. "Aii. A cambio de sus vidas y esa información, quiero la cabeza de su mano derecha." I tilt my head in confusion. I look at Aries " ¿Por qué?" "Algunas cosas es mejor mantenerlas en secreto. Sólo tráeme su cabeza." Luis says as he leaned forward.

"¿Cómo quiere que se entregue?" I say laying back in my seat, smirking. The two smirk and we shake hands in agreement. Me and Aries get up to leave and I notice him winking at Javier. I peep Javier blushing. He must've noticed I did cause he quickly looks away. Tf is going on?

I grab him by his hoodie and drag him outside to the car. "Don't do that." We sit in the car and this nigga cheesing.
"What you 'on like my boo?"  He said smiling ear to ear. I stop in my tracks. Is this nigga serious right now? "Aries. Answer me truthfully aii. Was Javier the one you posted last time?" I say slowly.

His smile drops as he realises what he just said. He quickly straightens up "You gotta pinkie promise you won't tell 'em." I look this nigga up and down. He gon get us killed. "Hell nah. We gotta tell Saint and Malik 'bout this. If they find out on they ones we're fucked" " Aii I'll tell 'em but you can't." He says as he pulls out his pinkie finger. I roll my eyes and this childish shi.

"Aii" I say as we cross pinkie. He start playing with my thumb so I pull back. This childish ass nigga never change. We enter the car and I pull off. While Aries dumbass music boom through the stereo, I get to thinking about Thembe. I can't wait for our date tonight.

Wiyim POV
📍Mount High School

"Get tf on Shawn" I say. This nigga really pissing me off. He been bothering me since I got here last year. Imma get the guys to jump his stupid ass. " Cmon girl. One date." He say with his finger on his lips. " No." I say walking away.

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